wfo-f00001 Acanthaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 102–103. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 102–103. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00002 Achariaceae family Harms Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1: 256. 1897. (4 Oct 1897) 1897 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Harms ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 1: 256. 1897. (4 Oct 1897) wfo-f00003 Achatocarpaceae family Heimerl Nat. Pflanzenfam. (ed. 2) 16c: 174. 1934. (28 Apr 1934) 1934 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Heimerl ICNafp Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Zweite Auflage 16c: 174. 1934. (28 Apr 1934) wfo-f00004 Acoraceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 6. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00003 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 6. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00005 Acrobolbaceae family E.A. Hodgs. Rec. Domin. Mus. 4: 177. 1962. 1962 Accepted family E.A. Hodgs. ICNafp Records of the Dominion Museum 4: 177. 1962. wfo-f00006 Actinidiaceae family Gilg & Werderm. Nat. Pflanzenfam. (ed. 2) 21: 36. 1925. (30 Jul 1925) 1925 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Gilg & Werderm. ICNafp Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Zweite Auflage 21: 36. 1925. (30 Jul 1925) wfo-f00007 Adelanthaceae family Grolle J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 35: 327. 1972. (23 Mar 1972) 1972 Synonym family Grolle ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 35: 327. 1972. (23 Mar 1972) wfo-f00008 Adoxaceae family E. Mey. Preuss. Pfl.-Gatt. 198. 1839. (1--7 Sep 1839) 1839 Accepted wfo-o00179 family E. Mey. ICNafp Preussens Pflanzengattungen 198. 1839. (1--7 Sep 1839) wfo-f00009 Aextoxicaceae family Engl. & Gilg Syllabus (ed. 8) 250. 1920. (Jan--Feb 1920) 1920 Accepted wfo-o00055 family Engl. & Gilg ICNafp Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien . . . Achte Auflage 250. 1920. (Jan--Feb 1920) wfo-f00010 Aizoaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 15. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 15. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00011 Akaniaceae family Stapf Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1912: 380. 1912. (13 Dec 1912) 1912 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Stapf ICNafp Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information Kew 1912: 380. 1912. (13 Dec 1912) wfo-f00012 Alismataceae family Vent. Tabl. Regn. Veg. 2: 157. 1799. (5 May 1799) 1799 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Vent. ICNafp Tableau du Regne Vegetal 2: 157. 1799. (5 May 1799) wfo-f00013 Allisoniaceae family (R.M. Schust. ex Grolle) Schljakov Pečen. Mhi Morfol., Filog, Klassifik. 119. 1975. 1975 Accepted family (R.M. Schust. ex Grolle) Schljakov ICNafp Pečenočyne Mhi Morfologiia, Filogeniia, Klassifikatsiia 119. 1975. wfo-f00014 Alseuosmiaceae family Airy Shaw Kew Bull. 18: 249. 1965. (18 Dec 1965) 1965 Accepted wfo-o00038 family Airy Shaw ICNafp Kew Bulletin 18: 249. 1965. (18 Dec 1965) wfo-f00015 Alstroemeriaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 57, 58. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00298 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 57, 58. 1829. wfo-f00016 Altingiaceae family Horan. Osnov. Bot. 271. 1841. 1841 Accepted wfo-o00481 family Horan. ICNafp Osnov. Bot. 271. 1841. wfo-f00017 Amaranthaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 87–88. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 87–88. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00018 Amaryllidaceae family J. St.-Hil. Expos. Fam. Nat. 1: 134. 1805. (Feb-Apr 1805) 1805 Accepted wfo-o00036 family J. St.-Hil. ICNafp Exposition des Familles Naturelles 1: 134. 1805. (Feb-Apr 1805) wfo-f00019 Amblystegiaceae family Kindb. Rev. Bryol. 12: 26. 1885. 1885 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Revue Bryologique 12: 26. 1885. wfo-f00020 Amborellaceae family Pichon Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., sér. 2 20: 384. 1948. (25 Oct 1948) 1948 Accepted wfo-o00014 family Pichon ICNafp Bulletin du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, sér. 2 20: 384. 1948. (25 Oct 1948) wfo-f00021 Anacampserotaceae family Eggli & Nyffeler Taxon 59(1): 232–233. 2010. 2010 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Eggli & Nyffeler ICNafp Taxon 59(1): 232–233. 2010. wfo-f00022 Anacardiaceae family R. Br. Narr. Exped. Zaire 431. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) 1818 Accepted wfo-o00478 family R. Br. ICNafp Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire 431. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) wfo-f00023 Anarthriaceae family D.W. Cutler & Airy Shaw Kew Bull. 19: 489. 1965. (26 Jul 1965) 1965 Accepted wfo-o00415 family D.W. Cutler & Airy Shaw ICNafp Kew Bulletin 19: 489. 1965. (26 Jul 1965) wfo-f00024 Anastrophyllaceae family L. Söderstr., De Roo & Hedd. Phytotaxa 3: 48. 2010. 2010 Accepted family L. Söderstr., De Roo & Hedd. ICNafp Phytotaxa 3: 48. 2010. wfo-f00025 Ancistrocladaceae family Planch. ex Walp. Ann. Bot. Syst. 2: 175. 1851. (15--16 Dec 1851) 1851 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Planch. ex Walp. ICNafp Annales Botanices Systematicae 2: 175. 1851. (15--16 Dec 1851) wfo-f00026 Andreaeaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 68. 1829. 1829 Accepted family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 68. 1829. wfo-f00027 Andreaeobryaceae family Steere Phytologia 33: 410. 1976. 1976 Accepted family Steere ICNafp Phytologia 33: 410. 1976. wfo-f00028 Anemiaceae family Link Fil. Spec. 23. 1841. (3-10 Sep 1841) 1841 Accepted wfo-o00483 family Link ICNafp Filicum Species 23. 1841. (3-10 Sep 1841) wfo-f00029 Aneuraceae family H. Klinggr. Höh. Crypt. Preuss. 11. 1858. 1858 Accepted family H. Klinggr. ICNafp Die Höheren Cryptogamen Preussens 11. 1858. wfo-f00030 Anisophylleaceae family Ridl. Fl. Malay. Penin. 1: 700. 1922. (13-22 Jul 1922) 1922 Accepted wfo-o00142 family Ridl. ICNafp The Flora of the Malay Peninsula 1: 700. 1922. (13-22 Jul 1922) wfo-f00031 Annonaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 283. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00310 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 283. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00032 Antheliaceae family R.M. Schust. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 26: 236. 1963. 1963 Accepted family R.M. Schust. ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 26: 236. 1963. wfo-f00033 Anthocerotaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 68. 1829. 1829 Accepted family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 68. 1829. wfo-f00034 Aphanopetalaceae family Doweld Prosyllab. Tracheophyt. 27. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted wfo-o00369 family Doweld ICNafp Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum, tentamen systematis plantarum vascularium (Tracheophyta) 27. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-f00035 Aphloiaceae family Takht. Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 70(12): 1691. 1985. (13 Dec 1985) 1985 Accepted wfo-o00139 family Takht. ICNafp Botaničeskii Žhurnal (Moscow & Leningrad) 70(12): 1691. 1985. (13 Dec 1985) wfo-f00036 Apiaceae family Lindl. Intr. Nat. Syst. Bot. (ed. 2) 21. 1836. (13 Jun 1836) 1836 Accepted wfo-o00022 family Lindl. ICNafp An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany 21. 1836. (13 Jun 1836) wfo-f00037 Apleniaceae family Accepted family ICNafp wfo-f00038 Apocynaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 143–144. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00222 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 143–144. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00039 Apodanthaceae family Tiegh. ex Takht. Sist. Magnol. 42. 1987. (24 Jun 1987) 1987 Accepted wfo-o00142 family Tiegh. ex Takht. ICNafp Sistema Magnoliofitov 42. 1987. (24 Jun 1987) wfo-f00040 Aponogetonaceae family Planch. Bot. Mag. , ad pl. 4894. 1856. (1 Jan 1856) 1856 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Planch. ICNafp Botanical Magazine , ad pl. 4894. 1856. (1 Jan 1856) wfo-f00041 Aquifoliaceae family Bercht. & J. Presl Přir. Rostlin 2(110): 440, 438. 1825. 1825 Accepted wfo-o00023 family Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Přirozenosti rostlin, aneb rostlinar 2(110): 440, 438. 1825. wfo-f00042 Araceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 23. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 23. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00043 Araliaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 217. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00022 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 217. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00044 Araucariaceae family Henkel & W. Hochst. Syn. Nadelhölz. 17: 1. 1865. (17--18 Jan 1865) 1865 Accepted wfo-o00028 family Henkel & W. Hochst. ICNafp Synopsis der Nädelholzer 17: 1. 1865. (17--18 Jan 1865) wfo-f00045 Archidiaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 5. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 5. 1856. wfo-f00046 Arecaceae family Bercht. & J. Presl Prir. Rostlin 266. 1820. (Jan--Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00030 family Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 266. 1820. (Jan--Apr 1820) wfo-f00047 Argophyllaceae family Takht. Sist. Magnol. 208. 1987. (24 Jun 1987) 1987 Accepted wfo-o00038 family Takht. ICNafp Sistema Magnoliofitov 208. 1987. (24 Jun 1987) wfo-f00048 Aristolochiaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 72–73. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00406 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 72–73. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00049 Arnelliaceae family Nakai Ord. Fam. Prof. Nakai 1943. 1943 Accepted family Nakai ICNafp Ordines, Familiae, Tribi, Genera . . . a Prof. Nakai, Edita 1943. wfo-f00050 Asparagaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 40. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00036 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 40. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00051 Aspleniaceae family Newman Hist. Brit. Ferns 6. 1840. (1--5 Feb 1840) 1840 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Newman ICNafp A History of British Ferns 6. 1840. (1--5 Feb 1840) wfo-f00052 Asteliaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 59, 61. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00036 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 59, 61. 1829. wfo-f00053 Asteropeiaceae family (Szyszył.) Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia, sér. 4 12(2): 205. 1990. (24 Nov 1990) 1990 Accepted wfo-o00088 family (Szyszył.) Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland ICNafp Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Section B, Adansonia. sér. 4, Botanique Phytochimie 12(2): 205. 1990. (24 Nov 1990) wfo-f00054 Atherospermataceae family R. Br. Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 553. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) 1814 Accepted wfo-o00285 family R. Br. ICNafp A Voyage to Terra Australis 2: 553. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) wfo-f00055 Athyriaceae family Alston Taxon 5: 25. 1956. (25 Mar 1956) 1956 Accepted wfo-f00646 wfo-o00420 family Alston ICNafp Taxon 5: 25. 1956. (25 Mar 1956) wfo-f00056 Aulacomniaceae family Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. CXXXIX, 411. 1860. 1860 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum CXXXIX, 411. 1860. wfo-f00057 Austrobaileyaceae family Croizat Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 15: 64. 1943. (May 1943) 1943 Accepted wfo-o00045 family Croizat ICNafp Cactus and Succulent Journal 15: 64. 1943. (May 1943) wfo-f00058 Aytoniaceae family Cavers New Phytol. 10: 42. 1911. 1911 Accepted family Cavers ICNafp New Phytologist 10: 42. 1911. wfo-f00059 Balanopaceae family Benth. & Hook. f. Gen. Pl. 3: v, 341. 1880. (7 Feb 1880) 1880 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Benth. & Hook. f. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 3: v, 341. 1880. (7 Feb 1880) wfo-f00060 Balanophoraceae family Rich. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 8: 429. 1822. (Nov 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00477 family Rich. ICNafp Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle 8: 429. 1822. (Nov 1822) wfo-f00061 Balantiopsaceae family H. Buch Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ges. 1: 23. 1955. 1955 Accepted family H. Buch ICNafp Mitteilung der Thüringischen Botanischen Gesellschaft 1: 23. 1955. wfo-f00062 Balsaminaceae family A. Rich. Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. 2: 173. 1822. (31 Dec 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00193 family A. Rich. ICNafp Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle 2: 173. 1822. (31 Dec 1822) wfo-f00063 Barbeuiaceae family Nakai J. Jap. Bot. 18: 105. 1942. 1942 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Nakai ICNafp Journal of Japanese Botany 18: 105. 1942. wfo-f00064 Barbeyaceae family Rendle Fl. Trop. Afr. 6(2): 14. 1916. (14 Mar 1916) 1916 Accepted wfo-o00467 family Rendle ICNafp Flora of Tropical Africa 6(2): 14. 1916. (14 Mar 1916) wfo-f00065 Bartramiaceae family Schwägr. Sp. Musc. Frond. 90. 1830. 1830 Accepted family Schwägr. ICNafp Species Muscorum Frondosorum 90. 1830. wfo-f00066 Basellaceae family Raf. Fl. Tellur. 3: 44. 1837. (Nov--Dec 1837) 1837 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Raf. ICNafp Flora Telluriana 3: 44. 1837. (Nov--Dec 1837) wfo-f00067 Bataceae family Mart. ex Perleb Clav. Class. 17. 1838. (18--24 Mar 1838) 1838 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Mart. ex Perleb ICNafp Clavis Classium 17. 1838. (18--24 Mar 1838) wfo-f00068 Begoniaceae family C. Agardh Aphor. Bot. 200. 1824. (13 Jun 1824) 1824 Accepted wfo-o00142 family C. Agardh ICNafp Aphorismi Botanici 200. 1824. (13 Jun 1824) wfo-f00069 Berberidaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 286. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00447 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 286. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00070 Berberidopsidaceae family Takht. Bot. Zhurn. (St. Petersburg) 70: –1691. 1985. (13 Dec 1985) 1985 Accepted wfo-o00055 family Takht. ICNafp Botaniceskii Zhurnal (St. Petersburg) 70: –1691. 1985. (13 Dec 1985) wfo-f00071 Betulaceae family Gray Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 222, 243. 1822. (10 Jan 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00208 family Gray ICNafp A Natural Arrangement of British Plants 2: 222, 243. 1822. (10 Jan 1822) wfo-f00072 Biebersteiniaceae family Schnizl. Anal. Nat. Ordn. Gew. 14. 1856. 1856 Accepted wfo-o00478 family Schnizl. ICNafp Analysen zu den natürlichen Ordnungen der Gewächse 14. 1856. wfo-f00073 Bignoniaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 137. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 137. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00074 Bixaceae family Kunth Malvac., Buttner., Tiliac. 17. 1822. (20 Apr 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00312 family Kunth ICNafp Malvaceae, Buttneriaceae, Tiliaceae 17. 1822. (20 Apr 1822) wfo-f00075 Blandfordiaceae family R. Dahlgren & Clifford Fam. Monocotyledons 155. 1985. 1985 Accepted wfo-o00036 family R. Dahlgren & Clifford ICNafp The Families of the Monocotyledons : Structure, Evolution, and Taxonomy 155. 1985. wfo-f00076 Blasiaceae family H. Klinggr. Höh. Crypt. Preuss. 14. 1858. 1858 Accepted family H. Klinggr. ICNafp Die Höheren Cryptogamen Preussens 14. 1858. wfo-f00077 Blechnaceae family Newman Hist. Brit. Ferns (ed. 2) 8. 1844. 1844 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Newman ICNafp A History of British Ferns. (ed. 2) 8. 1844. wfo-f00078 Bonnetiaceae family L. Beauvis. ex Nakai Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. 22: 25. 1948. 1948 Accepted wfo-o00311 family L. Beauvis. ex Nakai ICNafp Bulletin of the National Science Museum 22: 25. 1948. wfo-f00079 Boraginaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 128. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00067 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 128. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00080 Boryaceae family M.W. Chase, Rudall & Conran Kew Bull. 52: 416. 1997. (Jul 1997) 1997 Accepted wfo-o00036 family M.W. Chase, Rudall & Conran ICNafp Kew Bulletin 52: 416. 1997. (Jul 1997) wfo-f00081 Brachytheciaceae family Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. (ed. 2) CXV [as "XCV"], 637. 1876. 1876 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum, Editio Secunda CXV [as "XCV"], 637. 1876. wfo-f00082 Brassicaceae family Burnett Outlines Bot. 854, 1093, 1123. 1835. (Feb 1835) 1835 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Burnett ICNafp Outlines of Botany 854, 1093, 1123. 1835. (Feb 1835) wfo-f00083 Brevianthaceae family J.J. Engel & R.M. Schust. Phytologia 47: 317. 1981. 1981 Accepted family J.J. Engel & R.M. Schust. ICNafp Phytologia 47: 317. 1981. wfo-f00084 Bromeliaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 49–50. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 49–50. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00085 Bruchiaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 6. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 6. 1856. wfo-f00086 Brunelliaceae family Engl. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1: 182. 1897. (2 Aug 1897) 1897 Accepted wfo-o00369 family Engl. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 1: 182. 1897. (2 Aug 1897) wfo-f00087 Bruniaceae family R. Br. ex DC. Prodr. 2: 43. 1825. (Nov 1825) 1825 Accepted wfo-o00071 family R. Br. ex DC. ICNafp Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 2: 43. 1825. (Nov 1825) wfo-f00088 Bryaceae family Schwägr. Sp. Musc. Frond. 47. 1830. 1830 Accepted family Schwägr. ICNafp Species Muscorum Frondosorum 47. 1830. wfo-f00089 Bryobartramiaceae family Sainsbury Bryologist 51: 9. 1948. 1948 Accepted family Sainsbury ICNafp The Bryologist 51: 9. 1948. wfo-f00090 Bryoxiphiaceae family Besch. J. Bot. (Morot) 6: 183. 1892. 1892 Accepted family Besch. ICNafp Journal de Botanique (Morot) 6: 183. 1892. wfo-f00091 Burmanniaceae family Blume Enum. Pl. Javae 27. 1827. (Oct-Dec 1827) 1827 Accepted wfo-o00177 family Blume ICNafp Enumeratio Plantarum Javae 27. 1827. (Oct-Dec 1827) wfo-f00092 Burseraceae family Kunth Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 2: 346. 1824. (Jul 1824) 1824 Accepted wfo-o00478 family Kunth ICNafp Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Paris) 2: 346. 1824. (Jul 1824) wfo-f00093 Butomaceae family Mirb. Hist. Nat. Pl. 8: 194. 1804. 1804 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Mirb. ICNafp Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, des plantes 8: 194. 1804. wfo-f00094 Buxaceae family Dumort. Comment. Bot. 54. 1822. (Nov-Dec 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00075 family Dumort. ICNafp Commentationes Botanicae 54. 1822. (Nov-Dec 1822) wfo-f00095 Buxbaumiaceae family Schwägr. Sp. Musc. Frond. 23. 1830. 1830 Accepted family Schwägr. ICNafp Species Muscorum Frondosorum 23. 1830. wfo-f00096 Byblidaceae family Domin Acta Bot. Bohem. 1: 3. 1922. 1922 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Domin ICNafp Acta Botanica Bohemica 1: 3. 1922. wfo-f00097 Cabombaceae family Rich. ex A. Rich. Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. 2: 608. 1822. (31 Dec 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00354 family Rich. ex A. Rich. ICNafp Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle 2: 608. 1822. (31 Dec 1822) wfo-f00098 Cactaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 310. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 310. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00099 Calceolariaceae family Olmstead Amer. J. Bot. 88: 357. 2001. (23 Feb 2001) 2001 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Olmstead ICNafp American Journal of Botany 88: 357. 2001. (23 Feb 2001) wfo-f00100 Calomniaceae family Kindb. Bot. Centralbl. 77: 394. 1899. 1899 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Botanisches Centralblatt 77: 394. 1899. wfo-f00101 Calophyllaceae family J. Agardh Theoria Syst. Pl. 121. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) 1858 Accepted wfo-o00311 family J. Agardh ICNafp Theoria Systematis Plantarum 121. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) wfo-f00102 Calycanthaceae family Lindl. Bot. Reg. 5: pl. 404. 1819. (1 Oct 1819) 1819 Accepted wfo-o00285 family Lindl. ICNafp Botanical Register; consisting of coloured . . . 5: pl. 404. 1819. (1 Oct 1819) wfo-f00103 Calyceraceae family R. Br. ex Rich. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 6: 74. 1820. (Nov 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00038 family R. Br. ex Rich. ICNafp Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle 6: 74. 1820. (Nov 1820) wfo-f00104 Calymperaceae family Kindb. Gen. Eur. N.- Amer. Bryin. 11. 1897. 1897 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Genera of European and North American Bryineae (Mosses) 11. 1897. wfo-f00105 Calypogeiaceae family Arnell Skand. Fl. 2(a): 189. 1928. 1928 Accepted family Arnell ICNafp Hartmans Handbok i Skandinaviens Flora 2(a): 189. 1928. wfo-f00106 Campanulaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 163. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00038 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 163. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00107 Campynemataceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 57–58. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00298 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 57–58. 1829. wfo-f00108 Canellaceae family Mart. Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 3: 168, 170. 1832. (Sep 1832) 1832 Accepted wfo-o00085 family Mart. ICNafp Nova Genera et Species Plantarum . . . 3: 168, 170. 1832. (Sep 1832) wfo-f00109 Cannabaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 99. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00467 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 99. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00110 Cannaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 62. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00577 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 62. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00111 Capparaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 242. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 242. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00112 Caprifoliaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 210–211. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00179 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 210–211. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00113 Cardiopteridaceae family Blume Rumphia 3: 205. 1847. (Jun 1847) 1847 Accepted wfo-o00023 family Blume ICNafp Rumphia 3: 205. 1847. (Jun 1847) wfo-f00114 Caricaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 37, 42. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 37, 42. 1829. wfo-f00115 Carlemanniaceae family Airy Shaw Kew Bull. 19: 511. 1965. (26 Jul 1965) 1965 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Airy Shaw ICNafp Kew Bulletin 19: 511. 1965. (26 Jul 1965) wfo-f00116 Caryocaraceae family Voigt Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. 88. 1845. (Aug-Dec 1845) 1845 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Voigt ICNafp Hortus Suburbanus Calcuttensis 88. 1845. (Aug-Dec 1845) wfo-f00117 Caryophyllaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 299. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 299. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00118 Casuarinaceae family R. Br. Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 571. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) 1814 Accepted wfo-o00208 family R. Br. ICNafp A Voyage to Terra Australis 2: 571. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) wfo-f00119 Catagoniaceae family W.R. Buck & Ireland Nova Hedwigia 41: 115. 1985. 1985 Accepted family W.R. Buck & Ireland ICNafp Nova Hedwigia 41: 115. 1985. wfo-f00120 Catoscopiaceae family Boulay ex Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 220[I,3]: 629. 1904. 1904 Accepted family Boulay ex Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 220[I,3]: 629. 1904. wfo-f00121 Celastraceae family R. Br. Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 554. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) 1814 Accepted wfo-o00091 family R. Br. ICNafp A Voyage to Terra Australis 2: 554. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) wfo-f00122 Centrolepidaceae family Endl. Gen. Pl. 119. 1836. (Dec 1836) 1836 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Endl. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 119. 1836. (Dec 1836) wfo-f00123 Centroplacaceae family Doweld & Reveal Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 71: 48. 2005. (20 May 2005) 2005 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Doweld & Reveal ICNafp The Botanical Review, interpreting botanical progress 71: 48. 2005. (20 May 2005) wfo-f00124 Cephalotaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 59, 61. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00369 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 59, 61. 1829. wfo-f00125 Cephaloziaceae family Mig. Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., Moose 465. 1904. 1904 Accepted family Mig. ICNafp Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland . . . Moose 465. 1904. wfo-f00126 Cephaloziellaceae family Douin Mém. Soc. Bot. France 29: 1. 1920. 1920 Accepted family Douin ICNafp Mémoires de la Société Botanique de France 29: 1. 1920. wfo-f00127 Ceratophyllaceae family Gray Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 395, 554. 1822. (10 Jan 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00095 family Gray ICNafp A Natural Arrangement of British Plants 2: 395, 554. 1822. (10 Jan 1822) wfo-f00128 Cercidiphyllaceae family Engl. Syllabus (ed. 5) 126. 1907. (20--22 Jul 1907) 1907 Accepted wfo-o00481 family Engl. ICNafp Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (ed. 5) 126. 1907. (20--22 Jul 1907) wfo-f00129 Chaetophyllopsaceae family R.M. Schust. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 23: 68. 1960. 1960 Accepted family R.M. Schust. ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 23: 68. 1960. wfo-f00130 Chloranthaceae family R. Br. ex Sims Bot. Mag. 48: sub pl. 2190. 1820. (1 Nov 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00105 family R. Br. ex Sims ICNafp Botanical Magazine 48: sub pl. 2190. 1820. (1 Nov 1820) wfo-f00131 Chonecoleaceae family R.M. Schust. ex Grolle J. Bryol. 7: 206. 1972. 1972 Accepted family R.M. Schust. ex Grolle ICNafp Journal of Bryology 7: 206. 1972. wfo-f00132 Chrysobalanaceae family R. Br. Narr. Exped. Zaire 433. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) 1818 Accepted wfo-o00311 family R. Br. ICNafp Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire 433. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) wfo-f00133 Cibotiaceae family Korall Taxon 55(3): 712. 2006. (21 Sep 2006) 2006 Accepted wfo-o00147 family Korall ICNafp Taxon 55(3): 712. 2006. (21 Sep 2006) wfo-f00134 Cinclidotaceae family Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. 193. 1860. 1860 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum 193. 1860. wfo-f00135 Circaeasteraceae family Hutch. Fam. Fl. Pl., Dicot. 1: 98. 1926. (15 Jan 1926) 1926 Accepted wfo-o00447 family Hutch. ICNafp The Families of Flowering Plants. I. Dicotyledons 1: 98. 1926. (15 Jan 1926) wfo-f00136 Cistaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 294. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00312 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 294. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00137 Cleomaceae family Bercht. & J. Presl Přir. Rostlin 2(64): 253. 1825. 1825 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Přirozenosti rostlin, aneb rostlinar 2(64): 253. 1825. wfo-f00138 Clethraceae family Klotzsch Linnaea 24(1): 12. 1851. (May 1851) 1851 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Klotzsch ICNafp Linnaea 24(1): 12. 1851. (May 1851) wfo-f00139 Cleveaceae family Cavers New Phytol. 10: 42. 1911. 1911 Accepted family Cavers ICNafp New Phytologist 10: 42. 1911. wfo-f00140 Climaciaceae family Kindb. Gen. Eur. N.- Amer. Bryin. 7. 1897. 1897 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Genera of European and North American Bryineae (Mosses) 7. 1897. wfo-f00141 Clusiaceae family Lindl. Intr. Nat. Syst. Bot. (ed. 2) 74. 1836. (13 Jun 1836) 1836 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Lindl. ICNafp An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany 74. 1836. (13 Jun 1836) wfo-f00142 Colchicaceae family DC. Essai Propr. Méd. Pl. 56. 1804. (Jul 1804) 1804 Accepted wfo-o00298 family DC. ICNafp Essai sur les Propriétés Médicales des Plantes 56. 1804. (Jul 1804) wfo-f00143 Columelliaceae family D. Don Edinburgh New Philos. J. 6: 46, 49. 1828. (Oct--Dec 1828) 1828 Accepted wfo-o00071 family D. Don ICNafp Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 6: 46, 49. 1828. (Oct--Dec 1828) wfo-f00144 Combretaceae family R. Br. Prodr. 351. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) 1810 Accepted wfo-o00339 family R. Br. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 351. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) wfo-f00145 Commelinaceae family Mirb. Hist. Nat. Pl. 8: 177. 1804. 1804 Accepted wfo-o00130 family Mirb. ICNafp Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, des plantes 8: 177. 1804. wfo-f00146 Compositae family Giseke Prae. Ord. Nat. Pl. 538. 1792. (Apr 1792) 1792 Synonym wfo-o00038 family Giseke ICNafp Praelectiones in ordines naturales plantarum 538. 1792. (Apr 1792) wfo-f00147 Connaraceae family R. Br. Narr. Exped. Zaire 431. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) 1818 Accepted wfo-o00369 family R. Br. ICNafp Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire 431. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) wfo-f00148 Conocephalaceae family Müll. Frib. ex Grolle J. Bryol. 7: 207. 1972. 1972 Accepted family Müll. Frib. ex Grolle ICNafp Journal of Bryology 7: 207. 1972. wfo-f00149 Convolvulaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 132. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00496 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 132. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00150 Coriariaceae family DC. Prodr. 1: 739. 1824. (Jan 1824) 1824 Accepted wfo-o00142 family DC. ICNafp Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 1: 739. 1824. (Jan 1824) wfo-f00151 Cornaceae family Bercht. ex J. Presl Přir. Rostlin 2(23): 92, 91. 1825. 1825 Accepted wfo-o00135 family Bercht. ex J. Presl ICNafp O Přirozenosti rostlin, aneb rostlinar 2(23): 92, 91. 1825. wfo-f00152 Corsiaceae family Becc. Malesia 1: 238. 1878. (Sep 1878) 1878 Accepted wfo-o00298 family Becc. ICNafp Malesia Raccolta ... 1: 238. 1878. (Sep 1878) wfo-f00153 Corsiniaceae family Engl. Syllabus 44. 1892. 1892 Accepted family Engl. ICNafp Syllabus der Vorlesungen über Specielle und Medicinisch-pharceutische Botanik 44. 1892. wfo-f00154 Corynocarpaceae family Engl. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1: 185. 1897. (4 Oct 1897) 1897 Accepted wfo-o00142 family Engl. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 1: 185. 1897. (4 Oct 1897) wfo-f00155 Costaceae family Nakai J. Jap. Bot. 17: 203. 1941. (Apr 1941) 1941 Accepted wfo-o00577 family Nakai ICNafp Journal of Japanese Botany 17: 203. 1941. (Apr 1941) wfo-f00156 Crassulaceae family J. St.-Hil. Expos. Fam. Nat. 2: 123. 1805. (Feb-Apr 1805) 1805 Accepted wfo-o00481 family J. St.-Hil. ICNafp Exposition des Familles Naturelles 2: 123. 1805. (Feb-Apr 1805) wfo-f00157 Crossosomataceae family Engl. Nat. Pflanzenfam., Nachträge 1: 185. 1897. (2 Aug 1897) 1897 Accepted wfo-o00139 family Engl. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Nachträge zum II bis IV Teil 1: 185. 1897. (2 Aug 1897) wfo-f00158 Cryphaeaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 97. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 97. 1856. wfo-f00159 Ctenolophonaceae family Exell & Mendonça Consp. Fl. Angol. 1: 248, 392. 1951. (20 Aug 1951) 1951 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Exell & Mendonça ICNafp Conspectus Florae Angolensis 1: 248, 392. 1951. (20 Aug 1951) wfo-f00160 Cucurbitaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 393–394. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00142 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 393–394. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00161 Culcitaceae family Pic. Serm. Webbia 24: 702. 1970. (28 Apr 1970) 1970 Accepted wfo-o00147 family Pic. Serm. ICNafp Webbia 24: 702. 1970. (28 Apr 1970) wfo-f00162 Cunoniaceae family R. Br. Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 548. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) 1814 Accepted wfo-o00369 family R. Br. ICNafp A Voyage to Terra Australis 2: 548. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) wfo-f00163 Cupressaceae family Gray Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 222, 225. 1822. (10 Jan 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00144 family Gray ICNafp A Natural Arrangement of British Plants 2: 222, 225. 1822. (10 Jan 1822) wfo-f00164 Curtisiaceae family Takht. Sist. Magnol. 214. 1987. (24 Jun 1987) 1987 Accepted wfo-o00135 family Takht. ICNafp Sistema Magnoliofitov 214. 1987. (24 Jun 1987) wfo-f00165 Cyatheaceae family Kaulf. Wesen Farrenkr. 119. 1827. (Jul-Sep 1827) 1827 Accepted wfo-o00147 family Kaulf. ICNafp Das Wesen der Farrenkräuter 119. 1827. (Jul-Sep 1827) wfo-f00166 Cycadaceae family Pers. Syn. Pl. 2: 630. 1807. (Sep 1807) 1807 Accepted wfo-o00149 family Pers. ICNafp Synopsis Plantarum 2: 630. 1807. (Sep 1807) wfo-f00167 Cyclanthaceae family Poit. ex A. Rich. Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. 5: 222. 1824. (15 May 1824) 1824 Accepted wfo-o00374 family Poit. ex A. Rich. ICNafp Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle 5: 222. 1824. (15 May 1824) wfo-f00168 Cymodoceaceae family Vines Stud. Text-book Bot. 553. 1895. (Oct 1895) 1895 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Vines ICNafp A student's text-book of botany 553. 1895. (Oct 1895) wfo-f00169 Cynomoriaceae family Endl. ex Lindl. Nix. Pl. 23. 1833. (17 Sep 1833) 1833 Accepted wfo-o00481 family Endl. ex Lindl. ICNafp Nixus Plantarum 23. 1833. (17 Sep 1833) wfo-f00170 Cyperaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 26. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 26. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00171 Cyrillaceae family Lindl. Veg. Kingd. 445. 1846. (14--28 Mar 1846) 1846 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Lindl. ICNafp The Vegetable Kingdom 445. 1846. (14--28 Mar 1846) wfo-f00172 Cyrtopodaceae family M. Fleisch. Musci Buitenzorg 3: 655. 1908. 1908 Accepted family M. Fleisch. ICNafp Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 3: 655. 1908. wfo-f00173 Cystodiaceae family Croft Kew Bull. 41(4): 797. 1986. 1986 Unassessed wfo-o00420 family Croft ICNafp Kew Bulletin 41(4): 797. 1986. wfo-f00174 Cystopteridaceae family Shmakov Turczaninowia 4: 60. 2001. (15 May 2001) 2001 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Shmakov ICNafp Turczaninowia 4: 60. 2001. (15 May 2001) wfo-f00175 Cytinaceae family A. Rich. Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. 5: 301. 1824. (15 May 1824) 1824 Accepted wfo-o00312 family A. Rich. ICNafp Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle 5: 301. 1824. (15 May 1824) wfo-f00176 Daltoniaceae family Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. 478. 1860. 1860 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum 478. 1860. wfo-f00177 Daphniphyllaceae family Müll. Arg. Prodr. 16(1): 1. 1869. (Nov 1869) 1869 Accepted wfo-o00481 family Müll. Arg. ICNafp Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 16(1): 1. 1869. (Nov 1869) wfo-f00178 Dasypogonaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 54–55. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00130 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 54–55. 1829. wfo-f00179 Datiscaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 13, 14. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00142 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 13, 14. 1829. wfo-f00180 Davalliaceae family M.R. Schomb. ex A.B. Frank Reis. Br.-Guiana 3: 883. 1848[1849]. (7-10 Mar 1849) 1848[1849] Accepted wfo-o00420 family M.R. Schomb. ex A.B. Frank ICNafp Reisen in Britisch-Guiana 3: 883. 1848[1849]. (7-10 Mar 1849) wfo-f00181 Degeneriaceae family I.W. Bailey & A.C. Sm. J. Arnold Arbor. 23: 357. 1942. (15 Jul 1942) 1942 Accepted wfo-o00310 family I.W. Bailey & A.C. Sm. ICNafp Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 23: 357. 1942. (15 Jul 1942) wfo-f00182 Dendrocerotaceae family J. Haseg. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64: 93. 1988. 1988 Accepted family J. Haseg. ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 64: 93. 1988. wfo-f00183 Dennstaedtiaceae family Lotsy Vortr. Bot. Stammesgesch. 2: 655. 1909. (July-Sept. 1909) 1909 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Lotsy ICNafp Vorträge über Botanische Stammesgeschichte 2: 655. 1909. (July-Sept. 1909) wfo-f00184 Diapensiaceae family Lindl. Intr. Nat. Syst. Bot. (ed. 2) 233. 1836. (13 Jun 1836) 1836 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Lindl. ICNafp An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany 233. 1836. (13 Jun 1836) wfo-f00185 Dichapetalaceae family Baill. Fl. Bras. 12(1): 365. 1886. (1 Apr. 1886) 1886 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Baill. ICNafp Flora Brasiliensis 12(1): 365. 1886. (1 Apr. 1886) wfo-f00186 Dicksoniaceae family M.R. Schomb. Reis. Br.-Guiana 3: 1047. 1848[1849]. (7-10 Mar 1849) 1848[1849] Accepted wfo-o00147 family M.R. Schomb. ICNafp Reisen in Britisch-Guiana 3: 1047. 1848[1849]. (7-10 Mar 1849) wfo-f00187 Dicnemonaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. (ed. 2) 10: 214. 1924. 1924 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Zweite Auflage 10: 214. 1924. wfo-f00188 Dicranaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 11. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 11. 1856. wfo-f00189 Didiereaceae family Radlk. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(5): 462. 1896. (May 1896) 1896 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Radlk. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3(5): 462. 1896. (May 1896) wfo-f00190 Dilleniaceae family Salisb. Parad. Lond. sub t. 73. 1806[1807]. (1 Jun 1807) 1806[1807] Accepted wfo-o00172 family Salisb. ICNafp The Paradisus Londinensis sub t. 73. 1806[1807]. (1 Jun 1807) wfo-f00191 Dioncophyllaceae family Airy Shaw Kew Bull. 6: 333. 1951[1952]. (26 Jan 1952) 1951[1952] Accepted wfo-o00088 family Airy Shaw ICNafp Kew Bulletin 6: 333. 1951[1952]. (26 Jan 1952) wfo-f00192 Dioscoreaceae family R. Br. Prodr. 294. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) 1810 Accepted wfo-o00177 family R. Br. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 294. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) wfo-f00193 Dipentodontaceae family Merr. Brittonia 4: 69, 73. 1941. (16 Dec 1941) 1941 Accepted wfo-o00257 family Merr. ICNafp Brittonia 4: 69, 73. 1941. (16 Dec 1941) wfo-f00194 Diphysciaceae family M. Fleisch. Syllabus (ed. 8) 86. 1919[1920]. 1919[1920] Accepted family M. Fleisch. ICNafp Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien . . . Achte Auflage 86. 1919[1920]. wfo-f00195 Diplaziopsidaceae family X.C. Zhang & Christenh. Phytotaxa 19: 15. 2011. (18 Feb 2011) 2011 Accepted family X.C. Zhang & Christenh. ICNafp Phytotaxa 19: 15. 2011. (18 Feb 2011) wfo-f00196 Dipteridaceae family Seward & E. Dale Philos. Trans., Ser. B 194: 487, 499, 502. 1901. (Dec 1901) 1901 Accepted family Seward & E. Dale ICNafp Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 194: 487, 499, 502. 1901. (Dec 1901) wfo-f00197 Dipterocarpaceae family Blume Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 222. 1825. (20 Sep--7 Dec 1825) 1825 Accepted wfo-o00312 family Blume ICNafp Bijdragen tot de flora van Nederlandsch Indië 222. 1825. (20 Sep--7 Dec 1825) wfo-f00198 Dirachmaceae family Hutch. Fam. Fl. Pl., Dicot. (ed. 2) 248. 1959. (18 Jun 1959) 1959 Accepted wfo-o00467 family Hutch. ICNafp The Families of Flowering Plants. I. Dicotyledons, ed. 2 248. 1959. (18 Jun 1959) wfo-f00199 Disceliaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 59. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 59. 1856. wfo-f00200 Ditrichaceae family Limpr. Laubm. Deutschl. 1: 482. 1887. 1887 Accepted family Limpr. ICNafp Die Laubmoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz 1: 482. 1887. wfo-f00201 Doryanthaceae family R. Dahlgren & Clifford Fam. Monocotyledons 175. 1985. 1985 Accepted wfo-o00036 family R. Dahlgren & Clifford ICNafp The Families of the Monocotyledons : Structure, Evolution, and Taxonomy 175. 1985. wfo-f00202 Droseraceae family Salisb. Parad. Lond. , ad t. 95. 1808. (15 Jun 1808) 1808 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Salisb. ICNafp The Paradisus Londinensis , ad t. 95. 1808. (15 Jun 1808) wfo-f00203 Drosophyllaceae family Chrtek, Slavíková & Studnička Preslia 61: 122. 1989. (10 Apr 1989) 1989 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Chrtek, Slavíková & Studnička ICNafp Preslia 61: 122. 1989. (10 Apr 1989) wfo-f00204 Dryopteridacae family Accepted family ICNafp wfo-f00205 Dryopteridaceae family Herter Revista Sudamer. Bot. 9: 15. 1949. (Jun 1949) 1949 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Herter ICNafp Revista Sudamericana de Botánica 9: 15. 1949. (Jun 1949) wfo-f00206 Ebenaceae family Gürke Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(1): 153. 1891. (Dec 1891) 1891 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Gürke ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 4(1): 153. 1891. (Dec 1891) wfo-f00207 Ecdeiocoleaceae family D.W. Cutler & Airy Shaw Kew Bull. 19: 495. 1965. (26 Jul 1965) 1965 Accepted wfo-o00415 family D.W. Cutler & Airy Shaw ICNafp Kew Bulletin 19: 495. 1965. (26 Jul 1965) wfo-f00208 Echinodiaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 1216. 1909. 1909 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 1216. 1909. wfo-f00209 Elaeagnaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 74–75. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00467 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 74–75. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00210 Elaeocarpaceae family Juss. Essai Propr. Méd. Pl. 87. 1816. (4--11 May 1816) 1816 Accepted wfo-o00369 family Juss. ICNafp Essai sur les Propriétés Médicales des Plantes 87. 1816. (4--11 May 1816) wfo-f00211 Elatinaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 44, 49. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 44, 49. 1829. wfo-f00212 Emblingiaceae family J. Agardh Theoria Syst. Pl. 140. 1858. 1858 Accepted wfo-o00069 family J. Agardh ICNafp Theoria Systematis Plantarum 140. 1858. wfo-f00213 Encalyptaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 38. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 38. 1856. wfo-f00214 Entodontaceae family Kindb. Gen. Eur. N.- Amer. Bryin. 7. 1897. 1897 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Genera of European and North American Bryineae (Mosses) 7. 1897. wfo-f00215 Ephedraceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 11, 12. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00190 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 11, 12. 1829. wfo-f00216 Ephemeraceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 3. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 3. 1856. wfo-f00217 Equisetaceae family Michx. ex DC. Essai Propr. Méd. Pl. 49. 1804. (Jul 1804) 1804 Accepted wfo-o00192 family Michx. ex DC. ICNafp Essai sur les Propriétés Médicales des Plantes 49. 1804. (Jul 1804) wfo-f00218 Ericaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 159–160. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 159–160. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00219 Eriocaulaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 237. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 237. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00220 Erpodiaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 706. 1905. 1905 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 706. 1905. wfo-f00221 Erythroxylaceae family Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 5: 175. 1822. (25 Feb 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Kunth ICNafp Nova Genera et Species Plantarum (quarto ed.) 5: 175. 1822. (25 Feb 1822) wfo-f00222 Escalloniaceae family R. Br. ex Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 35, 37. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00196 family R. Br. ex Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 35, 37. 1829. wfo-f00223 Eucommiaceae family Engl. Syllabus (ed. 5) 139. 1907. (Jul 1907) 1907 Accepted wfo-o00218 family Engl. ICNafp Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (ed. 5) 139. 1907. (Jul 1907) wfo-f00224 Euphorbiaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 384–385. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 384–385. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00225 Euphroniaceae family Marc.-Berti Pittieria 18: 16. 1989. (Nov 1989) 1989 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Marc.-Berti ICNafp Pittieria 18: 16. 1989. (Nov 1989) wfo-f00226 Eupomatiaceae family Orb. Dict. Univ. Hist. Nat. 5: 511. 1845. (29 May 1845) 1845 Accepted wfo-o00310 family Orb. ICNafp Dictionnaire Universal d'Histoire Naturelle 5: 511. 1845. (29 May 1845) wfo-f00227 Eupteleaceae family K. Wilh. Samenpflanzen 17. 1910. (12 Nov 1910) 1910 Accepted wfo-o00447 family K. Wilh. ICNafp Samenpflanzen 17. 1910. (12 Nov 1910) wfo-f00228 Eustichiaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. (ed. 2) 10: 420. 1924. 1924 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Zweite Auflage 10: 420. 1924. wfo-f00229 Exormothecaceae family Grolle J. Bryol. 7: 208. 1972. 1972 Synonym wfo-f00153 family Grolle ICNafp Journal of Bryology 7: 208. 1972. wfo-f00230 Fabroniaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 102. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 102. 1856. wfo-f00231 Fagaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 11, 12. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00208 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 11, 12. 1829. wfo-f00232 Fissidentaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 20. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 20. 1856. wfo-f00233 Flacourtiaceae family Rich. ex DC. Prodr. 1: 255. 1824. (Jan 1824) 1824 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Rich. ex DC. ICNafp Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 1: 255. 1824. (Jan 1824) wfo-f00234 Flagellariaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 59, 60. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 59, 60. 1829. wfo-f00235 Fontinalaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 96. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 96. 1856. wfo-f00236 Fossombroniaceae family Hazsl. Magyar Bir. Moh-fl. 20. 1885. 1885 Accepted family Hazsl. ICNafp A Magyar Birodalom Moh-Flórája 20. 1885. wfo-f00237 Fouquieriaceae family DC. Prodr. 3: 349. 1828. (Mar 1828) 1828 Accepted wfo-o00193 family DC. ICNafp Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 3: 349. 1828. (Mar 1828) wfo-f00238 Frankeniaceae family Desv. Dict. Rais. Bot. 188. 1817. (12--19 Apr 1817) 1817 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Desv. ICNafp Dictionnaire raisonné de botanique 188. 1817. (12--19 Apr 1817) wfo-f00239 Funariaceae family Schwägr. Sp. Musc. Frond. 43. 1830. 1830 Accepted family Schwägr. ICNafp Species Muscorum Frondosorum 43. 1830. wfo-f00240 Garryaceae family Lindl. Edwards's Bot. Reg. 20: sub t. 1686. 1834. (1 Jul 1834) 1834 Accepted wfo-o00218 family Lindl. ICNafp Edwards's Botanical Register 20: sub t. 1686. 1834. (1 Jul 1834) wfo-f00241 Geissolomataceae family A. DC. Prodr. 14: 491. 1856. (Oct 1856) 1856 Accepted wfo-o00139 family A. DC. ICNafp Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 14: 491. 1856. (Oct 1856) wfo-f00242 Gelsemiaceae family Struwe & V.A. Albert Cladistics 10(2): 206. 1994[1995]. (Jun 1995) 1994[1995] Accepted wfo-o00222 family Struwe & V.A. Albert ICNafp Cladistics 10(2): 206. 1994[1995]. (Jun 1995) wfo-f00243 Gentianaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 141. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00222 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 141. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00244 Geocalycaceae family H. Klinggr. Höh. Crypt. Preuss. 34. 1858. 1858 Accepted family H. Klinggr. ICNafp Die Höheren Cryptogamen Preussens 34. 1858. wfo-f00245 Geraniaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 268. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00224 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 268. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00246 Gerrardinaceae family M.H. Alford Taxon 55(4): 962. 2006. (20 Dec 2006) 2006 Accepted wfo-o00257 family M.H. Alford ICNafp Taxon 55(4): 962. 2006. (20 Dec 2006) wfo-f00247 Gesneriaceae family Rich. & Juss. Essai Propr. Méd. Pl., ed. 2 192. 1816. (11 May 1816) 1816 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Rich. & Juss. ICNafp Essai sur les Propriétés Médicales des Plantes, ed. 2 192. 1816. (11 May 1816) wfo-f00248 Gigaspermaceae family Lindb. Öfversigt af Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar 1864: 592. 1865. 1865 Accepted family Lindb. ICNafp Ofversigt af Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademieus Forhandlingar 1864: 592. 1865. wfo-f00249 Ginkgoaceae family Engl. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1: 19. 1897. (16 Jul 1897) 1897 Accepted wfo-o00227 family Engl. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 1: 19. 1897. (16 Jul 1897) wfo-f00250 Gisekiaceae family Nakai J. Jap. Bot. 18: 102. 1942. (Mar 1942) 1942 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Nakai ICNafp Journal of Japanese Botany 18: 102. 1942. (Mar 1942) wfo-f00251 Gleicheniaceae family C. Presl Reliq. Haenk. 1: 70. 1825. (Jun-Nov 1825) 1825 Accepted wfo-o00230 family C. Presl ICNafp Reliquiae Haenkeanae 1: 70. 1825. (Jun-Nov 1825) wfo-f00252 Gnetaceae family Blume Nov. Pl. Expos. 23. 1833. (Aug-Dec 1833) 1833 Accepted wfo-o00233 family Blume ICNafp De Novis Quisbusdam Plantarum Familiis Expositio 23. 1833. (Aug-Dec 1833) wfo-f00253 Goebeliellaceae family Verd. Man. Bryol. 425. 1932. 1932 Synonym family Verd. ICNafp Manual of Bryology 425. 1932. wfo-f00254 Gomortegaceae family Reiche Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 14: 232. 1896. (19 Aug 1896) 1896 Accepted wfo-o00285 family Reiche ICNafp Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 14: 232. 1896. (19 Aug 1896) wfo-f00255 Goodeniaceae family R. Br. Prodr. 573. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) 1810 Accepted wfo-o00038 family R. Br. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 573. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) wfo-f00256 Goupiaceae family Miers Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3 9: 292. 1862. (Apr 1862) 1862 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Miers ICNafp Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 3 9: 292. 1862. (Apr 1862) wfo-f00257 Grimmiaceae family Arn. Disp. Méth. Mousses 19. 1825. 1825 Accepted family Arn. ICNafp Disposition Méthodique des Espèces de Mousses 19. 1825. wfo-f00258 Griseliniaceae family J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. ex A. Cunn. Ann. Nat. Hist. 3: 261. 1839. (Dec 1839) 1839 Unassessed wfo-o00022 family J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. ex A. Cunn. ICNafp Annals of Natural History 3: 261. 1839. (Dec 1839) wfo-f00259 Grossulariaceae family DC. Fl. Franç. (ed. 3) 4(2): 405. 1805. (17 Sep 1805) 1805 Accepted wfo-o00481 family DC. ICNafp Flore Française. Troisième Édition 4(2): 405. 1805. (17 Sep 1805) wfo-f00260 Grubbiaceae family Endl. ex Meisn. Pl. Vasc. Gen. 1: 323, 2: 239. 1841. (18--24 Jul 1841) 1841 Accepted wfo-o00135 family Endl. ex Meisn. ICNafp Plantarum vascularium genera secundum ordines ... 1: 323, 2: 239. 1841. (18--24 Jul 1841) wfo-f00261 Guamatelaceae family S.H. Oh & D. Potter Syst. Bot. 31(4): 736. 2006. (15 Dec 2006) 2006 Accepted wfo-o00139 family S.H. Oh & D. Potter ICNafp Systematic Botany 31(4): 736. 2006. (15 Dec 2006) wfo-f00262 Gunneraceae family Meisn. Pl. Vasc. Gen. 1: 345, 346, 2: 257. 1836–1843[1842]. (13–15 Feb 1842) 1836–1843[1842] Accepted wfo-o00238 family Meisn. ICNafp Plantarum vascularium genera secundum ordines ... 1: 345, 346, 2: 257. 1836–1843[1842]. (13–15 Feb 1842) wfo-f00263 Gymnomitriaceae family H. Klinggr. Höh. Crypt. Preuss. 16. 1958. 1958 Accepted family H. Klinggr. ICNafp Die Höheren Cryptogamen Preussens 16. 1958. wfo-f00264 Gyrostemonaceae family A. Juss. Dict. Univ. Hist. Nat. 6: 450. 1845. 1845 Accepted wfo-o00069 family A. Juss. ICNafp Dictionnaire Universal d'Histoire Naturelle 6: 450. 1845. wfo-f00265 Gyrothyraceae family R.M. Schust. Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 6: 87. 1970. 1970 Accepted family R.M. Schust. ICNafp Transactions of the British Bryological Society 6: 87. 1970. wfo-f00266 Haemodoraceae family R. Br. Prodr. 299. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) 1810 Accepted wfo-o00130 family R. Br. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 299. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) wfo-f00267 Halophytaceae family A. Soriano Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 23: 161. 1984. (29 Aug 1984) 1984 Accepted wfo-o00088 family A. Soriano ICNafp Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 23: 161. 1984. (29 Aug 1984) wfo-f00268 Haloragaceae family R. Br. Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 549. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) 1814 Accepted wfo-o00481 family R. Br. ICNafp A Voyage to Terra Australis 2: 549. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) wfo-f00269 Hamamelidaceae family R. Br. Narr. Journey China 374. 1818. (15 Aug 1818) 1818 Accepted wfo-o00481 family R. Br. ICNafp Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China 374. 1818. (15 Aug 1818) wfo-f00270 Hanguanaceae family Airy Shaw Kew Bull. 18: 260. 1964. (8 Dec 1964) 1964 Accepted wfo-o00130 family Airy Shaw ICNafp Kew Bulletin 18: 260. 1964. (8 Dec 1964) wfo-f00271 Haplomitriaceae family Dĕdeček Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Bohmen 5(4): 17. 1883. 1883 Accepted family Dĕdeček ICNafp Archiv fur die Naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung von Bohmen 5(4): 17. 1883. wfo-f00272 Haptanthaceae family C. Nelson Ceiba 42(1): 33. 2001[2002]. 2001[2002] Synonym wfo-f00094 wfo-o00075 family C. Nelson ICNafp Ceiba 42(1): 33. 2001[2002]. wfo-f00273 Hedwigiaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 52. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 52. 1856. wfo-f00274 Heliconiaceae family Nakai J. Jap. Bot. 17: 201. 1941. (Apr 1941) 1941 Accepted wfo-o00577 family Nakai ICNafp Journal of Japanese Botany 17: 201. 1941. (Apr 1941) wfo-f00275 Helicophyllaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 973. 1907. 1907 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 973. 1907. wfo-f00276 Helwingiaceae family Decne. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2 6: 69. 1836. (Aug 1836) 1836 Accepted wfo-o00023 family Decne. ICNafp Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 2 6: 69. 1836. (Aug 1836) wfo-f00277 Herbertaceae family Müll. Frib. ex Fulford & Hatcher Bryologist 61: 284. 1958. 1958 Accepted family Müll. Frib. ex Fulford & Hatcher ICNafp The Bryologist 61: 284. 1958. wfo-f00278 Hernandiaceae family Blume Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. (11): 550. 1825[1826]. (24 Jan 1826) 1825[1826] Accepted wfo-o00285 family Blume ICNafp Bijdragen tot de flora van Nederlandsch Indië (11): 550. 1825[1826]. (24 Jan 1826) wfo-f00279 Himantandraceae family Diels Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 126. 1917. (27 Nov 1917) 1917 Accepted wfo-o00310 family Diels ICNafp Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 55: 126. 1917. (27 Nov 1917) wfo-f00280 Hookeriaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 101. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 101. 1856. wfo-f00281 Huaceae family A. Chev. Rev. Int. Bot. Appl. Agric. Trop. 27: 28. 1947. (Jan-Feb 1947) 1947 Accepted wfo-o00369 family A. Chev. ICNafp Revue international de botanique appliquée et d'agriculture tropicale 27: 28. 1947. (Jan-Feb 1947) wfo-f00282 Humiriaceae family A. Juss. Fl. Bras. Merid. (quarto ed.) 2(13): 87. 1829. (10 Oct 1829) 1829 Accepted wfo-o00311 family A. Juss. ICNafp Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis (quarto ed.) 2(13): 87. 1829. (10 Oct 1829) wfo-f00283 Hydatellaceae family U. Hamann New Zealand J. Bot. 14: 195. 1976. (22 Jun 1976) 1976 Accepted wfo-o00354 family U. Hamann ICNafp New Zealand Journal of Botany 14: 195. 1976. (22 Jun 1976) wfo-f00284 Hydnoraceae family C. Agardh Aphor. Bot. (7): 88. 1821. (21 Dec 1821) 1821 Accepted wfo-o00406 family C. Agardh ICNafp Aphorismi Botanici (7): 88. 1821. (21 Dec 1821) wfo-f00285 Hydrangeaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 36, 38. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00135 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 36, 38. 1829. wfo-f00286 Hydrocharitaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 67. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 67. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00287 Hydroleaceae family R. Br. ex Edwards Bot. Reg. 7: sub t. 566. 1821. (1 Aug 1821) 1821 Accepted wfo-o00496 family R. Br. ex Edwards ICNafp Botanical Register; consisting of coloured . . . 7: sub t. 566. 1821. (1 Aug 1821) wfo-f00288 Hydrostachyaceae family Engl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 20: 136. 1894. (16 Nov 1894) 1894 Accepted wfo-o00135 family Engl. ICNafp Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 20: 136. 1894. (16 Nov 1894) wfo-f00289 Hylocomiaceae family M. Fleisch. Nova Guinea 12(2): 125. 1914. 1914 Accepted family M. Fleisch. ICNafp Nova Guinea 12(2): 125. 1914. wfo-f00290 Hymenophyllaceae family Mart. Consp. Regn. Veg. 3. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted wfo-o00264 family Mart. ICNafp Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis Secundum Characteres Morphologicas ... 3. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) wfo-f00291 Hymenophytaceae family R.M. Schust. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 26: 296. 1963. 1963 Accepted family R.M. Schust. ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 26: 296. 1963. wfo-f00292 Hypericaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 254. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 254. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00293 Hypnaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 113. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 113. 1856. wfo-f00294 Hypnodendraceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 1166. 1909. 1909 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 1166. 1909. wfo-f00295 Hypodematiaceae family Ching Acta Phytotax. Sin. 13(1): 96. 1975. 1975 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Ching ICNafp Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 13(1): 96. 1975. wfo-f00296 Hypopterygiaceae family Mitt. J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot., Suppl. 2: 147. 1859. 1859 Accepted family Mitt. ICNafp Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany, Supplement 2: 147. 1859. wfo-f00297 Hypoxidaceae family R. Br. Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 576. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) 1814 Accepted wfo-o00036 family R. Br. ICNafp A Voyage to Terra Australis 2: 576. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) wfo-f00298 Icacinaceae family Miers Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2 8: 174. 1851. (Sep 1851) 1851 Accepted wfo-o00067 family Miers ICNafp Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 2 8: 174. 1851. (Sep 1851) wfo-f00299 Iridaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 57. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00036 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 57. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00300 Irvingiaceae family Exell & Mendonça Consp. Fl. Angol. 1: 279, 395. 1951. (20 Aug 1951) 1951 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Exell & Mendonça ICNafp Conspectus Florae Angolensis 1: 279, 395. 1951. (20 Aug 1951) wfo-f00301 Isoëtaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 67. 1829. 1829 Accepted family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 67. 1829. wfo-f00302 Iteaceae family J. Agardh Theoria Syst. Pl. 151. 1858. (Apr--Sep 1858) 1858 Accepted wfo-o00481 family J. Agardh ICNafp Theoria Systematis Plantarum 151. 1858. (Apr--Sep 1858) wfo-f00303 Ixioliriaceae family Nakai Chosakuronbun Mokuroku 234. 1943. (20 Jul 1943) 1943 Accepted family Nakai ICNafp Chosakuronbun Mokuroku 234. 1943. (20 Jul 1943) wfo-f00304 Ixonanthaceae family Planch. ex Miq. Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(2): viii, 494. 1858. (30 Sep 1858) 1858 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Planch. ex Miq. ICNafp Flora van Nederlandsch Indië 1(2): viii, 494. 1858. (30 Sep 1858) wfo-f00305 Jackiellaceae family R.M. Schust. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 395. 1972[1973]. 1972[1973] Accepted family R.M. Schust. ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 36: 395. 1972[1973]. wfo-f00306 Joinvilleaceae family Toml. & A.C. Sm. Taxon 19(6): 888–889. 1970. (30 Dec 1970) 1970 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Toml. & A.C. Sm. ICNafp Taxon 19(6): 888–889. 1970. (30 Dec 1970) wfo-f00307 Jubulaceae family H. Klinggr. Höh. Crypt. Preuss. 40. 1958. 1958 Accepted family H. Klinggr. ICNafp Die Höheren Cryptogamen Preussens 40. 1958. wfo-f00308 Jubulopsaceae family (Hamlin) R.M. Schust. J. Bryol. 19: 308. 1996. 1996 Accepted family (Hamlin) R.M. Schust. ICNafp Journal of Bryology 19: 308. 1996. wfo-f00309 Juglandaceae family DC. ex Perleb Vers. Arzneikr. Pfl. 143. 1818. (May 1818) 1818 Accepted wfo-o00208 family DC. ex Perleb ICNafp Versuch über die Arzneikräfte der Pflanzen 143. 1818. (May 1818) wfo-f00310 Juncaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 43. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 43. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00311 Juncaginaceae family Rich. Démonstr. Bot. 9. 1808. (May 1808) 1808 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Rich. ICNafp Démonstrations Botaniques 9. 1808. (May 1808) wfo-f00312 Jungermanniaceae family Rchb. Bot. Damen 256. 1828. 1828 Accepted family Rchb. ICNafp Botanik fur Damen 256. 1828. wfo-f00313 Kirkiaceae family Takht. Sist. Filog. Cvetk. Rast. 321. 1967. (4 Feb 1967) 1967 Accepted wfo-o00478 family Takht. ICNafp Sistema i Filogeniia Tsvetkovykh Rastenii 321. 1967. (4 Feb 1967) wfo-f00314 Koeberliniaceae family Engl. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(6): 319. 1895. (14 May 1895) 1895 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Engl. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3(6): 319. 1895. (14 May 1895) wfo-f00315 Krameriaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 20, 23. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00581 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 20, 23. 1829. wfo-f00316 Lacistemataceae family Mart. Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1: 154, 158. 1826. (Jan-Mar 1826) 1826 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Mart. ICNafp Nova Genera et Species Plantarum . . . 1: 154, 158. 1826. (Jan-Mar 1826) wfo-f00317 Lactoridaceae family Engl. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(2): 19. 1888. (27 Jan 1888) 1888 Accepted wfo-o00406 family Engl. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3(2): 19. 1888. (27 Jan 1888) wfo-f00318 Lamiaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 355. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 355. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00319 Lanariaceae family R. Dahlgren Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 25: 71. 1988. (Jun 1988) 1988 Accepted wfo-o00036 family R. Dahlgren ICNafp Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 25: 71. 1988. (Jun 1988) wfo-f00320 Lardizabalaceae family R. Br. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13(1): 212. 1821. (21 Jun 1821) 1821 Accepted wfo-o00447 family R. Br. ICNafp Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 13(1): 212. 1821. (21 Jun 1821) wfo-f00321 Lauraceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 80. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00285 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 80. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00322 Lecythidaceae family A. Rich. Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. 9: 259. 1825. (25 Feb 1825) 1825 Accepted wfo-o00193 family A. Rich. ICNafp Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle 9: 259. 1825. (25 Feb 1825) wfo-f00323 Leguminosae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 345. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00207 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 345. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00324 Lejeuneaceae family Cas.-Gil Fl. Ibér. Briof., Hepát. 1: 703. 1919. 1919 Accepted family Cas.-Gil ICNafp Flora Ibérica Briofita, Hepáticas 1: 703. 1919. wfo-f00325 Lembophyllaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 226[I,3]: 863. 1906. 1906 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 226[I,3]: 863. 1906. wfo-f00326 Lentibulariaceae family Rich. Fl. Paris (ed. fol.) 1: 23. 1808. (18 Jan 1808) 1808 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Rich. ICNafp Flore parisienne: contenant la description des plantes qui croissent naturellement aux environs de Paris 1: 23. 1808. (18 Jan 1808) wfo-f00327 Lepicoleaceae family J. Shaw Cape Monthly Mag. Accepted family J. Shaw ICNafp Cape Monthly Mag. wfo-f00328 Lepidobotryaceae family J. Léonard Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 20: 38. 1950. (Jun 1950) 1950 Accepted wfo-o00091 family J. Léonard ICNafp Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'État à Bruxelles 20: 38. 1950. (Jun 1950) wfo-f00329 Lepidolaenaceae family Nakai Ord. Fam. Prof. Nakai 200. 1943. 1943 Accepted family Nakai ICNafp Ordines, Familiae, Tribi, Genera . . . a Prof. Nakai, Edita 200. 1943. wfo-f00330 Lepidoziaceae family Limpr. Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 1: 310. 1877. 1877 Accepted family Limpr. ICNafp Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien 1: 310. 1877. wfo-f00331 Leptodontaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 98. 1856. 1856 Synonym wfo-f00407 family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 98. 1856. wfo-f00332 Lepyrodontaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 771. 1906. 1906 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 771. 1906. wfo-f00333 Leskeaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 109. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 109. 1856. wfo-f00334 Leucodontaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 108. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 108. 1856. wfo-f00335 Leucomiaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 1095. 1908. 1908 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 1095. 1908. wfo-f00336 Liliaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 48. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00298 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 48. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00337 Limeaceae family Shipunov ex Reveal Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 71: 128. 2005. (20 May 2005) 2005 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Shipunov ex Reveal ICNafp The Botanical Review, interpreting botanical progress 71: 128. 2005. (20 May 2005) wfo-f00338 Limnanthaceae family R. Br. London Edinburgh Philos. Mag. & J. Sci. 3: 70–71. 1833. (Jul 1833) 1833 Accepted wfo-o00069 family R. Br. ICNafp London and Edinburgh philosophical magazine and journal of science 3: 70–71. 1833. (Jul 1833) wfo-f00339 Linaceae family DC. ex Perleb Vers. Arzneikr. Pfl. 107. 1818. (May 1818) 1818 Accepted wfo-o00311 family DC. ex Perleb ICNafp Versuch über die Arzneikräfte der Pflanzen 107. 1818. (May 1818) wfo-f00340 Linderniaceae family Borsch, K. Müll. & Eb. Fisch. Pl. Biol. (Stuttgart) 7(1): 76. 2005. (28 Jan 2005) 2005 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Borsch, K. Müll. & Eb. Fisch. ICNafp Plant Biology (Stuttgart) 7(1): 76. 2005. (28 Jan 2005) wfo-f00341 Lindsaeaceae family C. Presl ex M.R. Schomb. Reis. Br.-Guiana 3: 883, 1048. 1848[1849]. (7-10 Mar 1849) 1848[1849] Accepted wfo-o00420 family C. Presl ex M.R. Schomb. ICNafp Reisen in Britisch-Guiana 3: 883, 1048. 1848[1849]. (7-10 Mar 1849) wfo-f00342 Loasaceae family Juss. Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 5: 21. 1804. 1804 Accepted wfo-o00135 family Juss. ICNafp Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 5: 21. 1804. wfo-f00343 Loganiaceae family R. Br. ex Mart. Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 2: 133. 1827. (Jan-Jun 1827) 1827 Accepted wfo-o00222 family R. Br. ex Mart. ICNafp Nova Genera et Species Plantarum . . . 2: 133. 1827. (Jan-Jun 1827) wfo-f00344 Lomariopsidaceae family Alston Taxon 5: 25. 1956. (25 Mar 1956) 1956 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Alston ICNafp Taxon 5: 25. 1956. (25 Mar 1956) wfo-f00345 Lonchitidaceae family Doweld New Syllab. Pl. Fam 353. 2006. (May 2006) 2006 Unassessed wfo-o00420 family Doweld ICNafp New Syllabus Plant Families 353. 2006. (May 2006) wfo-f00346 Lophiocarpaceae family Doweld & Reveal Phytologia 90: 416. 2008. (Dec 2008) 2008 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Doweld & Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 90: 416. 2008. (Dec 2008) wfo-f00347 Lophocoleaceae family De Not. Syllab. Musc. Accepted family De Not. ICNafp Syllab. Musc. wfo-f00348 Lophopyxidaceae family H. Pfeiff. Revista Sudamer. Bot. 10: 4. 1951. 1951 Unassessed wfo-o00311 family H. Pfeiff. ICNafp Revista Sudamericana de Botánica 10: 4. 1951. wfo-f00349 Lophoziaceae family Schleich. Nomencl. Bot. Accepted family Schleich. ICNafp Nomencl. Bot. wfo-f00350 Loranthaceae family Juss. Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 12: 292. 1808. 1808 Accepted wfo-o00477 family Juss. ICNafp Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 12: 292. 1808. wfo-f00351 Lowiaceae family Ridl. Fl. Malay. Penin. 4: 291. 1924. (1 Dec 1924) 1924 Accepted wfo-o00577 family Ridl. ICNafp The Flora of the Malay Peninsula 4: 291. 1924. (1 Dec 1924) wfo-f00352 Loxsomataceae family C. Presl Gefässbündel Farrn 31. 1847. 1847 Accepted wfo-o00147 family C. Presl ICNafp Die Gefässbündel im Stipes der Farrn 31. 1847. wfo-f00353 Lunulariaceae family H. Klinggr. Höh. Crypt. Preuss. 9. 1858. 1858 Accepted family H. Klinggr. ICNafp Die Höheren Cryptogamen Preussens 9. 1858. wfo-f00354 Lycopodiaceae family P. Beauv. ex Mirb. Hist. Nat. Vég. 4: 293. 1802. (21 Nov 1802) 1802 Accepted wfo-o00308 family P. Beauv. ex Mirb. ICNafp Histoire Naturelle des Végétaux, Classés par Familles 4: 293. 1802. (21 Nov 1802) wfo-f00355 Lygodiaceae family M. Roem. Handb. Allg. Bot. 3: 520. 1840. 1840 Accepted wfo-o00483 family M. Roem. ICNafp Handb. Allg. Bot. 3: 520. 1840. wfo-f00356 Lythraceae family J. St.-Hil. Expos. Fam. Nat. 2: 175. 1805. (Feb-Apr 1805) 1805 Accepted wfo-o00339 family J. St.-Hil. ICNafp Exposition des Familles Naturelles 2: 175. 1805. (Feb-Apr 1805) wfo-f00357 Magnoliaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 280. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00310 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 280. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00358 Makinoaceae family Giacom. Ist. Bot. Reale Univ. Reale Lab. Crittog. Pavia, Atti Accepted family Giacom. ICNafp Ist. Bot. Reale Univ. Reale Lab. Crittog. Pavia, Atti wfo-f00359 Malpighiaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 252. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 252. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00360 Malvaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 271. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00312 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 271. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00361 Marantaceae family R. Br. Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 575. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) 1814 Accepted wfo-o00577 family R. Br. ICNafp A Voyage to Terra Australis 2: 575. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) wfo-f00362 Marattiaceae family Kaulf. Enum. Filic. 31. 1824. (8 Apr-29 May 1824) 1824 Accepted wfo-o00314 family Kaulf. ICNafp Enumeratio Filicum 31. 1824. (8 Apr-29 May 1824) wfo-f00363 Marcgraviaceae family Bercht. & J. Presl Prir. Rostlin 218. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 218. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-f00364 Marchantiaceae family Lindl. Nat. Syst. Bot. 412. 1836. 1836 Accepted family Lindl. ICNafp A Natural System of Botany 412. 1836. wfo-f00365 Marsileaceae family Mirb. Hist. Nat. Vég. 5: 126. 1802. (21 Nov 1802) 1802 Accepted wfo-o00475 family Mirb. ICNafp Histoire Naturelle des Végétaux, Classés par Familles 5: 126. 1802. (21 Nov 1802) wfo-f00366 Martyniaceae family Horan. Char. Ess. Fam. 130. 1847. (30 Jun 1847) 1847 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Horan. ICNafp Characteres Essentiales Familiarum 130. 1847. (30 Jun 1847) wfo-f00367 Mastigophoraceae family R.M. Schust. 36: 345. 1972. 1972 Accepted family R.M. Schust. ICNafp 36: 345. 1972. wfo-f00368 Matoniaceae family C. Presl Gefässbündel Farrn 32. 1847. 1847 Accepted family C. Presl ICNafp Die Gefässbündel im Stipes der Farrn 32. 1847. wfo-f00369 Mayacaceae family Kunth Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840: 93. 1842. 1842 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Kunth ICNafp Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1840: 93. 1842. wfo-f00370 Meesiaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 82. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 82. 1856. wfo-f00371 Melanthiaceae family Batsch ex Borkh. Bot. Wörterb. 2: 8. 1797. 1797 Accepted wfo-o00298 family Batsch ex Borkh. ICNafp Botanisches Wörterbuch 2: 8. 1797. wfo-f00372 Melastomataceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 328. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00339 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 328. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00373 Meliaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 263. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00478 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 263. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00374 Melianthaceae family Horan. Prim. Lin. Syst. Nat. 100. 1834. (2 Nov 1834) 1834 Accepted wfo-o00224 family Horan. ICNafp Primae Lineae Systematis Naturae 100. 1834. (2 Nov 1834) wfo-f00375 Menispermaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 284–285. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00447 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 284–285. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00376 Menyanthaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 20, 25. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00038 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 20, 25. 1829. wfo-f00377 Mesoptychiaceae family Inoue & Steere Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, B 1: 62. 1975. 1975 Accepted family Inoue & Steere ICNafp Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Series B, Botany 1: 62. 1975. wfo-f00378 Metaxyaceae family Pic. Serm. Webbia 24(2): 701–702. 1970. (28 Apr 1970) 1970 Accepted wfo-o00147 family Pic. Serm. ICNafp Webbia 24(2): 701–702. 1970. (28 Apr 1970) wfo-f00379 Meteoriaceae family Kindb. Gen. Eur. N.- Amer. Bryin. 7. 1897. 1897 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Genera of European and North American Bryineae (Mosses) 7. 1897. wfo-f00380 Metteniusaceae family H. Karst. ex Schnizl. Iconogr. Fam. Regn. Veg. 2: ad. t. 142. 1860-1870. 1860-1870 Accepted wfo-o00067 family H. Karst. ex Schnizl. ICNafp Iconographia Familiarum Naturalium Regni Vegetabilis 2: ad. t. 142. 1860-1870. wfo-f00381 Metzgeriaceae family H. Klinggr. Höh. Crypt. Preuss. 10. 1858. 1858 Accepted family H. Klinggr. ICNafp Die Höheren Cryptogamen Preussens 10. 1858. wfo-f00382 Microtheciellaceae family H.A. Mill. & A.J. Harr. J. Bryol. 9: 523. 1977. 1977 Accepted family H.A. Mill. & A.J. Harr. ICNafp Journal of Bryology 9: 523. 1977. wfo-f00383 Misodendraceae family J. Agardh Theoria Syst. Pl. 236. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) 1858 Accepted wfo-o00477 family J. Agardh ICNafp Theoria Systematis Plantarum 236. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) wfo-f00384 Mitrastemonaceae family Makino Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 25(299): 252–253. 1911. (20 Dec 1911) 1911 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Makino ICNafp Botanical Magazine 25(299): 252–253. 1911. (20 Dec 1911) wfo-f00385 Mitteniaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 532. 1903. 1903 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 532. 1903. wfo-f00386 Mizutaniaceae family Furuki & Z. Iwats. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67: 291. 1989. 1989 Accepted family Furuki & Z. Iwats. ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 67: 291. 1989. wfo-f00387 Mniaceae family Schwägr. Sp. Musc. Frond. 25. 1830. 1830 Accepted family Schwägr. ICNafp Species Muscorum Frondosorum 25. 1830. wfo-f00388 Molluginaceae family Bartl. Beitr. Bot. 2: 158. 1825. (Dec 1825) 1825 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Bartl. ICNafp Beiträge zur Botanik 2: 158. 1825. (Dec 1825) wfo-f00389 Monimiaceae family Juss. Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 14: 133. 1809. 1809 Accepted wfo-o00285 family Juss. ICNafp Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 14: 133. 1809. wfo-f00390 Monocarpaceae family D.J. Carr ex Schelpe J. S. African Bot. 35: 110. 1961. 1961 Unassessed family D.J. Carr ex Schelpe ICNafp Journal of South African Botany 35: 110. 1961. wfo-f00391 Monocleaceae family Podp. Consp. Musc. Eur. Accepted family Podp. ICNafp Consp. Musc. Eur. wfo-f00392 Monosoleniaceae family E.H. Wilson Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. Accepted family E.H. Wilson ICNafp Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. wfo-f00393 Montiaceae family Raf. Ann. Gén. Sci. Phys. 5: 349. 1820. (Jul-Sep 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Raf. ICNafp Annales Générales des Sciences Physiques 5: 349. 1820. (Jul-Sep 1820) wfo-f00394 Montiniaceae family Nakai Chosakuronbun Mokuroku 243. 1943. (20 Jul 1943) 1943 Accepted wfo-o00496 family Nakai ICNafp Chosakuronbun Mokuroku 243. 1943. (20 Jul 1943) wfo-f00395 Moraceae family Gaudich. Gen. Pl. 13. 1835. 1835 Accepted wfo-o00467 family Gaudich. ICNafp Genera Plantarum ad Familias Suas Redacta 13. 1835. wfo-f00396 Moringaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 404. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 404. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00397 Muntingiaceae family C. Bayer, M.W. Chase & M.F. Fay Taxon 47(1): 38. 1998. (13 Feb 1998) 1998 Accepted wfo-o00312 family C. Bayer, M.W. Chase & M.F. Fay ICNafp Taxon 47(1): 38. 1998. (13 Feb 1998) wfo-f00398 Musaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 61. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00577 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 61. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00399 Myodocarpaceae family Doweld Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. lii. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted wfo-o00022 family Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium lii. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-f00400 Myricaceae family Rich. ex Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 2: 16. 1817. (28 Apr 1817) 1817 Accepted wfo-o00208 family Rich. ex Kunth ICNafp Nova Genera et Species Plantarum (quarto ed.) 2: 16. 1817. (28 Apr 1817) wfo-f00401 Myriniaceae family Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. (ed. 2) CXI, 589. 1876. 1876 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum, Editio Secunda CXI, 589. 1876. wfo-f00402 Myristicaceae family R. Br. Prodr. 399. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) 1810 Accepted wfo-o00310 family R. Br. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 399. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) wfo-f00403 Myrothamnaceae family Nied. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(2a): 103. 1891. (9 Mar 1891) 1891 Accepted wfo-o00238 family Nied. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3(2a): 103. 1891. (9 Mar 1891) wfo-f00404 Myrtaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 322–323. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00339 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 322–323. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00405 Myuriaceae family M. Fleisch. Musci Buitenzorg 4: 1663. 1923. 1923 Accepted family M. Fleisch. ICNafp Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 4: 1663. 1923. wfo-f00406 Nartheciaceae family Fr. ex Bjurzon Skand. Vaxtfam. 64. 1846. 1846 Accepted wfo-o00177 family Fr. ex Bjurzon ICNafp Skandinaviens Vaxtfamiljer 64. 1846. wfo-f00407 Neckeraceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 99. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 99. 1856. wfo-f00408 Nelumbonaceae family A. Rich. Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. 11: 492. 1827. (10 Feb 1827) 1827 Accepted wfo-o00430 family A. Rich. ICNafp Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle 11: 492. 1827. (10 Feb 1827) wfo-f00409 Neotrichocoleaceae family Inoue Ill. Jap. Hepat. 1: 176. 1974. 1974 Accepted family Inoue ICNafp Illustrations of Japanese Hepaticae 1: 176. 1974. wfo-f00410 Nepenthaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 14, 16. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 14, 16. 1829. wfo-f00411 Nephrolepidaceae family Pic. Serm. Webbia 29(1): 8–11. 1974[1975]. (10 Feb 1975) 1974[1975] Accepted wfo-o00420 family Pic. Serm. ICNafp Webbia 29(1): 8–11. 1974[1975]. (10 Feb 1975) wfo-f00412 Neuradaceae family Kostel. Allg. Med.-Pharm. Fl. 4: 1476. 1835. (Jan-Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted wfo-o00312 family Kostel. ICNafp Allgemeine Medizinisch-Pharmazeutische Flora 4: 1476. 1835. (Jan-Oct 1835) wfo-f00413 Nitrariaceae family Lindl. Intr. Nat. Syst. Bot. 149. 1830. (27 Sep 1830) 1830 Accepted wfo-o00478 family Lindl. ICNafp An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany 149. 1830. (27 Sep 1830) wfo-f00414 Nothofagaceae family Kuprian. First Intern. Conf. Palinol. Reports Soviet Palinol. 21. 1962. (28 Dec 1962) 1962 Accepted wfo-o00208 family Kuprian. ICNafp First International Conference Palinol. Reports Soviet Palinol.: 21. 1962. (28 Dec 1962) wfo-f00415 Notothyladaceae family Müll. Frib. Lebermoose Erg. 200. 1940. 1940 Synonym family Müll. Frib. ICNafp Die Lebermoose Erg. 200. 1940. wfo-f00416 Nyctaginaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 90. 1789. (4 Nov 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 90. 1789. (4 Nov 1789) wfo-f00417 Nymphaeaceae family Salisb. Ann. Bot. (König & Sims) 2: 70. 1805. (Jun 1805) 1805 Accepted wfo-o00354 family Salisb. ICNafp Annals of Botany 2: 70. 1805. (Jun 1805) wfo-f00418 Ochnaceae family DC. Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 2: 209. 1811. (Jan 1811) 1811 Accepted wfo-o00311 family DC. ICNafp Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, publié par la Société Philomatique de Paris 2: 209. 1811. (Jan 1811) wfo-f00419 Octoblepharaceae family (Cardot) A. Eddy ex M. Menzel Cuscatlania 1(5): 10. 1991. 1991 Synonym wfo-f00104 family (Cardot) A. Eddy ex M. Menzel ICNafp Cuscatlania 1(5): 10. 1991. wfo-f00420 Oedipodiaceae family Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. (ed. 2) XCVIII, 354. 1876. 1876 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum, Editio Secunda XCVIII, 354. 1876. wfo-f00421 Olacaceae family R. Br. Narr. Exped. Zaire 452. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) 1818 Accepted wfo-o00477 family R. Br. ICNafp Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire 452. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) wfo-f00422 Oleaceae family Hoffmanns. & Link Fl. Portug. 1: 62. 1809. (1 Sept 1809) 1809 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Hoffmanns. & Link ICNafp Flore portugaise ou description de toutes les ... 1: 62. 1809. (1 Sept 1809) wfo-f00423 Oleandraceae family Ching ex Pic. Serm. Webbia 20(2): 745. 1965. (20 Dec 1965) 1965 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Ching ex Pic. Serm. ICNafp Webbia 20(2): 745. 1965. (20 Dec 1965) wfo-f00424 Onagraceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 317–318. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00339 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 317–318. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00425 Oncothecaceae family Kobuski ex Airy Shaw Kew Bull. 18(2): 264. 1965. (8 Dec 1965) 1965 Accepted wfo-o00067 family Kobuski ex Airy Shaw ICNafp Kew Bulletin 18(2): 264. 1965. (8 Dec 1965) wfo-f00426 Onocleaceae family Pic. Serm. Webbia 24: 708. 1970. (28 Apr 1970) 1970 Accepted wfo-f00646 wfo-o00420 family Pic. Serm. ICNafp Webbia 24: 708. 1970. (28 Apr 1970) wfo-f00427 Ophioglossaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 438. 1820. (27 Mar 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00363 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 438. 1820. (27 Mar 1820) wfo-f00428 Opiliaceae family Valeton Crit. Overz. Olacin. 136. 1886. (7 Jul 1886) 1886 Accepted wfo-o00477 family Valeton ICNafp Critisch Overzicht der Olacineae 136. 1886. (7 Jul 1886) wfo-f00429 Orchidaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 64–65. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00036 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 64–65. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00430 Orobanchaceae family Vent. Tabl. Regn. Veg. 2: 292. 1799. (5 May 1799) 1799 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Vent. ICNafp Tableau du Regne Vegetal 2: 292. 1799. (5 May 1799) wfo-f00431 Orthorrhynchiaceae family S.H. Lin J. Taiwan Mus. 36(2): 74. 1983. 1983 Accepted family S.H. Lin ICNafp Journal of Taiwan Museum 36(2): 74. 1983. wfo-f00432 Orthotrichaceae family Arn. Disp. Méth. Mousses 13. 1825. 1825 Accepted family Arn. ICNafp Disposition Méthodique des Espèces de Mousses 13. 1825. wfo-f00433 Osmundaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 445. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00368 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 445. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00434 Oxalidaceae family R. Br. Narr. Exped. Zaire 433. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) 1818 Accepted wfo-o00369 family R. Br. ICNafp Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire 433. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) wfo-f00435 Oxymitraceae family Accepted family ICNafp wfo-f00436 Paeoniaceae family Raf. Anal. Nat. 176. 1815. (Apr-Jul 1815) 1815 Accepted wfo-o00481 family Raf. ICNafp Analyse de la Nature 176. 1815. (Apr-Jul 1815) wfo-f00437 Pallaviciniaceae family Mig. Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., Moose 423. 1904. 1904 Accepted family Mig. ICNafp Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland . . . Moose 423. 1904. wfo-f00438 Pandaceae family Engl. & Gilg Syllabus (ed. 7) 223. 1912-1913. (Oct 1913-Mar 1913) 1912-1913 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Engl. & Gilg ICNafp Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (ed. 7) 223. 1912-1913. (Oct 1913-Mar 1913) wfo-f00439 Pandanaceae family R. Br. Prodr. 340. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) 1810 Accepted wfo-o00374 family R. Br. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 340. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) wfo-f00440 Papaveraceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 235–236. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00447 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 235–236. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00441 Paracryphiaceae family Airy Shaw Kew Bull. 18: 265. 1965. (8 Dec 1965) 1965 Accepted wfo-o00376 family Airy Shaw ICNafp Kew Bulletin 18: 265. 1965. (8 Dec 1965) wfo-f00442 Passifloraceae family Juss. ex Roussel Fl. Calvados (ed. 2) 334. 1806. (30 May 1806) 1806 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Juss. ex Roussel ICNafp Flore du Calvados (ed. 2) 334. 1806. (30 May 1806) wfo-f00443 Paulowniaceae family Nakai J. Jap. Bot. 24: 13. 1949. (10 Dec 1949) 1949 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Nakai ICNafp Journal of Japanese Botany 24: 13. 1949. (10 Dec 1949) wfo-f00444 Pedaliaceae family R. Br. Prodr. 519. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) 1810 Accepted wfo-o00283 family R. Br. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 519. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) wfo-f00445 Pelliaceae family H. Klinggr. Höh. Crypt. Preuss. 13. 1858. 1858 Accepted family H. Klinggr. ICNafp Die Höheren Cryptogamen Preussens 13. 1858. wfo-f00446 Penaeaceae family Sweet ex Guill. Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. 13: 171. 1828. (1 Mar 1828) 1828 Accepted wfo-o00339 family Sweet ex Guill. ICNafp Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle 13: 171. 1828. (1 Mar 1828) wfo-f00447 Pennantiaceae family J. Agardh Theoria Syst. Pl. 301. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) 1858 Unassessed wfo-o00022 family J. Agardh ICNafp Theoria Systematis Plantarum 301. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) wfo-f00448 Pentadiplandraceae family Hutch. & Dalziel Fl. W. Trop. Afr. 1: 461. 1928. (Jul 1928) 1928 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Hutch. & Dalziel ICNafp Flora of West Tropical Africa 1: 461. 1928. (Jul 1928) wfo-f00449 Pentaphragmataceae family J. Agardh Theoria Syst. Pl. 95. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) 1858 Accepted wfo-o00038 family J. Agardh ICNafp Theoria Systematis Plantarum 95. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) wfo-f00450 Pentaphylacaceae family Engl. Nat. Pflanzenfam., Nachträge 1: 214. 1897. (4 Oct 1897) 1897 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Engl. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Nachträge zum II bis IV Teil 1: 214. 1897. (4 Oct 1897) wfo-f00451 Penthoraceae family Rydb. ex Britton Man. Fl. N. States 475. 1901. (16 Oct 1901) 1901 Accepted wfo-o00481 family Rydb. ex Britton ICNafp Manual of the Flora of the northern States and Canada 475. 1901. (16 Oct 1901) wfo-f00452 Peraceae family Klotzsch Monatsber. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1859: 241, 246. 1859. (10-30 Mar 1859) 1859 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Klotzsch ICNafp Monatsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1859: 241, 246. 1859. (10-30 Mar 1859) wfo-f00453 Peridiscaceae family Kuhlm. Arq. Serv. Florest. 3: 4. 1950. 1950 Accepted wfo-o00481 family Kuhlm. ICNafp Arquivos do Servico Florestal 3: 4. 1950. wfo-f00454 Petenaeaceae family Christenh., M.F. Fay & M.W. Chase Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 164: 23–24, f. 1, 3. 2010. 2010 Accepted wfo-o00257 family Christenh., M.F. Fay & M.W. Chase ICNafp Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 164: 23–24, f. 1, 3. 2010. wfo-f00455 Petermanniaceae family Hutch. Fam. Fl. Pl., Monocot. 2: 113. 1934. (20 Aug 1934) 1934 Accepted wfo-o00298 family Hutch. ICNafp The Families of Flowering Plants. II. Monocotyledons 2: 113. 1934. (20 Aug 1934) wfo-f00456 Petrosaviaceae family Hutch. Fam. Fl. Pl., Monocot. 2: 36. 1934. (20 Aug 1934) 1934 Accepted wfo-o00391 family Hutch. ICNafp The Families of Flowering Plants. II. Monocotyledons 2: 36. 1934. (20 Aug 1934) wfo-f00457 Phellinaceae family Takht. Sist. Filog. Cvetk. Rast. 343, 374. 1967. (4 Feb 1967) 1967 Unassessed wfo-o00038 family Takht. ICNafp Sistema i Filogeniia Tsvetkovykh Rastenii 343, 374. 1967. (4 Feb 1967) wfo-f00458 Philesiaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 53, 54, 97. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00298 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 53, 54, 97. 1829. wfo-f00459 Philydraceae family Link Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 1: 5. 1821. (16 Mar-30 Jun 1821) 1821 Accepted wfo-o00130 family Link ICNafp Enumeratio Plantarum Horti Regii Berolinensis Altera 1: 5. 1821. (16 Mar-30 Jun 1821) wfo-f00460 Phrymaceae family Schauer Prodr. 11: 520. 1847. (25 Nov 1847) 1847 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Schauer ICNafp Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 11: 520. 1847. (25 Nov 1847) wfo-f00461 Phyllanthaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 369. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 369. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00462 Phyllodrepaniaceae family Crosby Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 37: 347. 1970[1971]. 1970[1971] Accepted family Crosby ICNafp Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 37: 347. 1970[1971]. wfo-f00463 Phyllogoniaceae family Kindb. Bot. Centralbl. 76: 85. 1898. 1898 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Botanisches Centralblatt 76: 85. 1898. wfo-f00464 Phyllonomaceae family Small N. Amer. Fl. 22(1): 2. 1905. (22 May 1905) 1905 Accepted wfo-o00023 family Small ICNafp North American Flora 22(1): 2. 1905. (22 May 1905) wfo-f00465 Physenaceae family Takht. Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 70: 1692. 1985. (13 Dec 1985) 1985 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Takht. ICNafp Botaničeskii Žhurnal (Moscow & Leningrad) 70: 1692. 1985. (13 Dec 1985) wfo-f00466 Phytolaccaceae family R. Br. Narr. Exped. Zaire 454. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) 1818 Accepted wfo-o00088 family R. Br. ICNafp Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire 454. 1818. (5 Mar 1818) wfo-f00467 Picramniaceae family Fernando & Quinn Taxon 44: 177. 1995. (15 May 1995) 1995 Accepted wfo-o00401 family Fernando & Quinn ICNafp Taxon 44: 177. 1995. (15 May 1995) wfo-f00468 Picrodendraceae family Small J. New York Bot. Gard. 18(212): 184. 1917. (Aug 1917) 1917 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Small ICNafp Journal of the New York Botanical Garden 18(212): 184. 1917. (Aug 1917) wfo-f00469 Pilotrichaceae family Kindb. Bot. Centralbl. 77(2): 54. 1899. 1899 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Botanisches Centralblatt 77(2): 54. 1899. wfo-f00470 Pinaceae family Spreng. ex Rudolphi Syst. Orb. Veg. 35. 1830. (5-12 Jul 1830) 1830 Accepted wfo-o00404 family Spreng. ex Rudolphi ICNafp Systema orbis vegetabilium 35. 1830. (5-12 Jul 1830) wfo-f00471 Piperaceae family Giseke Prae. Ord. Nat. Pl. 123. 1792. (Apr 1792) 1792 Accepted wfo-o00406 family Giseke ICNafp Praelectiones in ordines naturales plantarum 123. 1792. (Apr 1792) wfo-f00472 Pittosporaceae family R. Br. Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 542. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) 1814 Accepted wfo-o00022 family R. Br. ICNafp A Voyage to Terra Australis 2: 542. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) wfo-f00473 Plagiochilaceae family Müll. Frib. & Herzog Leberm. Eur. 877. 1956. 1956 Synonym family Müll. Frib. & Herzog ICNafp Die Lebermoose Europas 877. 1956. wfo-f00474 Plagiogyriaceae family Bower Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 40: 484. 1926. (Apr 1926) 1926 Accepted wfo-o00147 family Bower ICNafp Annals of Botany. Oxford 40: 484. 1926. (Apr 1926) wfo-f00475 Plagiotheciaceae family M. Fleisch. Nova Guinea 8(2): 748. 1912. 1912 Accepted family M. Fleisch. ICNafp Nova Guinea 8(2): 748. 1912. wfo-f00476 Plantaginaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 89–90. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 89–90. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00477 Platanaceae family T. Lestib. Botanogr. Élém. 526. 1826. (12-19 Jun 1826) 1826 Accepted wfo-o00430 family T. Lestib. ICNafp Botanographie Élémentaire 526. 1826. (12-19 Jun 1826) wfo-f00478 Pleurophascaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 774. 1906. 1906 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 774. 1906. wfo-f00479 Pleuroziaceae family (Schiffn.) Müll. Frib. Lebermoose 6: 404. 1909. 1909 Accepted family (Schiffn.) Müll. Frib. ICNafp Die Lebermoose 6: 404. 1909. wfo-f00480 Pleuroziopsaceae family Ireland J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 62–63. 1968. 1968 Accepted family Ireland ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 31: 62–63. 1968. wfo-f00481 Plocospermataceae family Hutch. Fam. Fl. Pl. (ed. 3) 469. 1973. (Jan-Jun 1973) 1973 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Hutch. ICNafp The Families of Flowering Plants 469. 1973. (Jan-Jun 1973) wfo-f00482 Plumbaginaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 92. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 92. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00483 Poaceae family Barnhart Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 22: 7. 1895. (15 Jan 1895) 1895 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Barnhart ICNafp Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 22: 7. 1895. (15 Jan 1895) wfo-f00484 Podocarpaceae family Endl. Syn. Conif. 203. 1847. (May-Jun 1847) 1847 Accepted wfo-o00416 family Endl. ICNafp Synopsis Coniferarum 203. 1847. (May-Jun 1847) wfo-f00485 Podostemaceae family Rich. ex Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 1: 246. 1816. (4-11 May 1816) 1816 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Rich. ex Kunth ICNafp Nova Genera et Species Plantarum (quarto ed.) 1: 246. 1816. (4-11 May 1816) wfo-f00486 Polemoniaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 136. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 136. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00487 Polygalaceae family Hoffmanns. & Link Fl. Portug. 1: 62. 1809. (1 Sep 1809) 1809 Accepted wfo-o00207 family Hoffmanns. & Link ICNafp Flore portugaise ou description de toutes les ... 1: 62. 1809. (1 Sep 1809) wfo-f00488 Polygonaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 82. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 82. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00489 Polypodiaceae family J. Presl & C. Presl Delic. Prag. 159. 1822. (Jul 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00420 family J. Presl & C. Presl ICNafp Deliciae Pragenses 159. 1822. (Jul 1822) wfo-f00490 Polytrichaceae family Schwägr. Sp. Musc. Frond. 1. 1830. 1830 Accepted family Schwägr. ICNafp Species Muscorum Frondosorum 1. 1830. wfo-f00491 Pontederiaceae family Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 1: 265. 1815[1816]. 1815[1816] Accepted wfo-o00130 family Kunth ICNafp Nova Genera et Species Plantarum (quarto ed.) 1: 265. 1815[1816]. wfo-f00492 Porellaceae family Cavers New Phytol. 9: 292. 1910. 1910 Accepted family Cavers ICNafp New Phytologist 9: 292. 1910. wfo-f00493 Portulacaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 312. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 312. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00494 Posidoniaceae family Vines Stud. Text-book Bot. 553. 1895. (Mar 1895) 1895 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Vines ICNafp Stud. Text-book Bot. 553. 1895. (Mar 1895) wfo-f00495 Potamogetonaceae family Bercht. & J. Presl Přir. Rostlin 1(7): [1], 3. 1823. 1823 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Přirozenosti rostlin, aneb rostlinar 1(7): [1], 3. 1823. wfo-f00496 Pottiaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 24. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 24. 1856. wfo-f00497 Primulaceae family Batsch ex Borkh. Bot. Wörterb. 2: 240. 1797. 1797 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Batsch ex Borkh. ICNafp Botanisches Wörterbuch 2: 240. 1797. wfo-f00498 Prionodontaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 763. 1905. 1905 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 763. 1905. wfo-f00499 Proteaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 78. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00430 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 78. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00500 Pseudoditrichaceae family Steere & Z. Iwats. Bryologist 78(4): [489]–490. 1975[1976]. 1975[1976] Accepted wfo-o00435 family Steere & Z. Iwats. ICNafp The Bryologist 78(4): [489]–490. 1975[1976]. wfo-f00501 Pseudolepicoleaceae family Fulford & J. Taylor Nova Hedwigia 1: 411. 1960. 1960 Accepted family Fulford & J. Taylor ICNafp Nova Hedwigia 1: 411. 1960. wfo-f00502 Psilotaceae family J.W. Griff. & Henfr. Microgr. Dict. 540. 1855. (1 Nov 1855) 1855 Accepted wfo-o00437 family J.W. Griff. & Henfr. ICNafp Microgr. Dict. 540. 1855. (1 Nov 1855) wfo-f00503 Pteridaceae family E.D.M. Kirchn. Schul-Bot. 109. 1831. 1831 Accepted wfo-o00420 family E.D.M. Kirchn. ICNafp Schul-Bot. 109. 1831. wfo-f00504 Pterigynandraceae family Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. (ed. 2) CXIII, 618. 1876. 1876 Synonym wfo-f00214 family Schimp. ICNafp Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum, Editio Secunda CXIII, 618. 1876. wfo-f00505 Pterobryaceae family Kindb. Eur. N. Amer. Bryin. 15. 1897. 1897 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp European and N. American Bryineae (Mosses) 15. 1897. wfo-f00506 Ptilidiaceae family H. Klinggr. Höh. Crypt. Preuss. 37. 1858. 1858 Accepted family H. Klinggr. ICNafp Die Höheren Cryptogamen Preussens 37. 1858. wfo-f00507 Ptychomitriaceae family Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. 241. 1860. 1860 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum 241. 1860. wfo-f00508 Ptychomniaceae family M. Fleisch. Musci Buitenzorg 3: 656. 1908. 1908 Accepted family M. Fleisch. ICNafp Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 3: 656. 1908. wfo-f00509 Putranjivaceae family Endl. Ench. Bot. 174. 1841. 1841 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Endl. ICNafp Enchiridion Botanicum 174. 1841. wfo-f00510 Quillajaceae family D. Don Edinburgh New Philos. J. 10: 229. 1831. 1831 Accepted wfo-o00207 family D. Don ICNafp Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 10: 229. 1831. wfo-f00511 Racopilaceae family Kindb. Bot. Centralbl. 76(3): 85. 1898. 1898 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Botanisches Centralblatt 76(3): 85. 1898. wfo-f00512 Radulaceae family Müll. Frib. Lebermoose 1: 404. 1909. 1909 Accepted family Müll. Frib. ICNafp Die Lebermoose 1: 404. 1909. wfo-f00513 Rafflesiaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 13–14. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 13–14. 1829. wfo-f00514 Ranunculaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 231. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00447 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 231. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00515 Rapateaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 60, 62. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 60, 62. 1829. wfo-f00516 Regmatodontaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 1125. 1908. 1908 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 1125. 1908. wfo-f00517 Resedaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 541. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 541. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00518 Restionaceae family R. Br. Prodr. 243. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) 1810 Accepted wfo-o00415 family R. Br. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 243. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) wfo-f00519 Rhabdodendraceae family Prance Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 38: 141–142. 1968. (30 Jun 1968) 1968 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Prance ICNafp Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'État à Bruxelles 38: 141–142. 1968. (30 Jun 1968) wfo-f00520 Rhabdoweisiaceae family Limpr. Laubm. Deutschl. 1: 271. 1886. 1886 Accepted family Limpr. ICNafp Die Laubmoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz 1: 271. 1886. wfo-f00521 Rhachidosoraceae family X.C. Zhang Phytotaxa 19: 16. 2011. (18 Feb 2011) 2011 Accepted family X.C. Zhang ICNafp Phytotaxa 19: 16. 2011. (18 Feb 2011) wfo-f00522 Rhachitheciaceae family H. Rob. Bryologist 67: 448. 1964. 1964 Accepted family H. Rob. ICNafp The Bryologist 67: 448. 1964. wfo-f00523 Rhacocarpaceae family Kindb. Bot. Centralbl. 77: 55. 1899. 1899 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Botanisches Centralblatt 77: 55. 1899. wfo-f00524 Rhamnaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 376–377. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00467 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 376–377. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00525 Rhipogonaceae family Conran & Clifford Nordic J. Bot. 5: 219. 1985. (25 Oct 1985) 1985 Accepted wfo-o00298 family Conran & Clifford ICNafp Nordic Journal of Botany 5: 219. 1985. (25 Oct 1985) wfo-f00526 Rhizogoniaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 219[I,3]: 614. 1904. 1904 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 219[I,3]: 614. 1904. wfo-f00527 Rhizophoraceae family Pers. Syn. Pl. 2(1): 2. 1806. (Nov 1806) 1806 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Pers. ICNafp Synopsis Plantarum 2(1): 2. 1806. (Nov 1806) wfo-f00528 Ricciaceae family Rchb. Bot. Damen 255. 1828. 1828 Accepted family Rchb. ICNafp Botanik fur Damen 255. 1828. wfo-f00529 Riellaceae family Accepted family ICNafp wfo-f00530 Rigodiaceae family H.A. Crum Bryologist 84: 392. 1981. 1981 Accepted family H.A. Crum ICNafp The Bryologist 84: 392. 1981. wfo-f00531 Roridulaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 549. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 549. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00532 Rosaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 334. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00467 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 334. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00533 Rousseaceae family DC. Prodr. 7(2): 521. 1839. (Dec 1839) 1839 Accepted wfo-o00038 family DC. ICNafp Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 7(2): 521. 1839. (Dec 1839) wfo-f00534 Rubiaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 196. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00222 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 196. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00535 Ruppiaceae family Horan. Prim. Lin. Syst. Nat. 46. 1834. (2 Nov 1834) 1834 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Horan. ICNafp Primae Lineae Systematis Naturae 46. 1834. (2 Nov 1834) wfo-f00536 Rutaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 296. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00478 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 296. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00537 Rutenbergiaceae family M. Fleisch. Musci Buitenzorg 3: 725–726. 1908. 1908 Accepted family M. Fleisch. ICNafp Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 3: 725–726. 1908. wfo-f00538 Sabiaceae family Blume Mus. Bot. 1: 368. 1851. 1851 Accepted wfo-o00430 family Blume ICNafp Museum Botanicum 1: 368. 1851. wfo-f00539 Saccolomataceae family Doweld & Reveal Phytologia 90: 417. 2008. (Dec 2008) 2008 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Doweld & Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 90: 417. 2008. (Dec 2008) wfo-f00540 Salicaceae family Mirb. Elém. Physiol. Vég. Bot. 2: 905. 1815. (24-30 Jun 1815) 1815 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Mirb. ICNafp Elem. Physiol. Veg. Bot. 2: 905. 1815. (24-30 Jun 1815) wfo-f00541 Salvadoraceae family Lindl. Intr. Nat. Syst. Bot. (ed. 2) 269. 1836. (13 Jun 1836) 1836 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Lindl. ICNafp An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany 269. 1836. (13 Jun 1836) wfo-f00542 Salviniaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 559. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00475 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 559. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00543 Santalaceae family R. Br. Prodr. 305. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) 1810 Accepted wfo-o00477 family R. Br. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 305. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) wfo-f00544 Sapindaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 246. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00478 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 246. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00545 Sapotaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 151. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 151. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00546 Sarcobataceae family Behnke Taxon 46(3): 503. 1997. (Aug 1997) 1997 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Behnke ICNafp Taxon 46(3): 503. 1997. (Aug 1997) wfo-f00547 Sarcolaenaceae family Caruel Atti Reale Accad. Lincei, Mem. Cl. Sci. Fis., ser. 3, 10: 226, 248. 1881. (5 Jun 1881) 1881 Accepted wfo-o00312 family Caruel ICNafp Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Memorie di Classe di Scienze, Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturale, ser. 3, 10: 226, 248. 1881. (5 Jun 1881) wfo-f00548 Sarraceniaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 53. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 53. 1829. wfo-f00549 Saururaceae family Rich. ex T. Lestib. Botanogr. Élém. 453. 1826. (12-19 Jun 1826) 1826 Accepted wfo-o00406 family Rich. ex T. Lestib. ICNafp Botanographie Élémentaire 453. 1826. (12-19 Jun 1826) wfo-f00550 Saxifragaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 308. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00481 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 308. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00551 Scapaniaceae family Mig. Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., Moose 479. 1904. 1904 Accepted family Mig. ICNafp Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland . . . Moose 479. 1904. wfo-f00552 Scheuchzeriaceae family F. Rudolphi Syst. Orb. Veg. 28. 1830. (5-12 Jul 1830) 1830 Synonym wfo-f00311 wfo-o00013 family F. Rudolphi ICNafp Systema orbis vegetabilium 28. 1830. (5-12 Jul 1830) wfo-f00553 Schisandraceae family Blume Fl. Javae 32–33: 3. 1830. (25 Jun 1830) 1830 Accepted wfo-o00045 family Blume ICNafp Flora Javae 32–33: 3. 1830. (25 Jun 1830) wfo-f00554 Schistochilaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Nat. Pflanzenfam. wfo-f00555 Schistostegaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 54. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 54. 1856. wfo-f00556 Schizaeaceae family Kaulf. Wesen Farrenkr. 119. 1827. (Jul-Sep 1827) 1827 Accepted wfo-o00483 family Kaulf. ICNafp Das Wesen der Farrenkräuter 119. 1827. (Jul-Sep 1827) wfo-f00557 Schlegeliaceae family Reveal Phytologia 79(2): 74–75. 1996. (29 Apr 1996) 1996 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 79(2): 74–75. 1996. (29 Apr 1996) wfo-f00558 Schoepfiaceae family Blume Mus. Bot. 1: 175. 1850. 1850 Accepted wfo-o00477 family Blume ICNafp Museum Botanicum 1: 175. 1850. wfo-f00559 Sciadopityaceae family Luerss. Grundz. Bot. 265. 1877. 1877 Accepted wfo-o00404 family Luerss. ICNafp Grundzüge der Botanik 265. 1877. wfo-f00560 Scorpidiaceae family Ignatov & Ignatova Arctoa 11(Supplement 2): 942. 2004. 2004 Accepted family Ignatov & Ignatova ICNafp Arctoa, a Journal of Bryology 11(Supplement 2): 942. 2004. wfo-f00561 Scrophulariaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 117–118. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 117–118. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00562 Selaginellaceae family Willk. Anleit. Stud. Bot. 2: 163. 1854. (Feb 1854) 1854 Accepted wfo-o00493 family Willk. ICNafp Anleitung zum Studien der Wissenschaftlichen Botanik 2: 163. 1854. (Feb 1854) wfo-f00563 Seligeriaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 22. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 22. 1856. wfo-f00564 Sematophyllaceae family Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 232/233[I,3]: 1098. 1908. 1908 Accepted family Broth. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 232/233[I,3]: 1098. 1908. wfo-f00565 Serpotortellaceae family W.D. Reese & R.H. Zander Bryologist 90. 1987[1988]. 1987[1988] Accepted family W.D. Reese & R.H. Zander ICNafp The Bryologist 90. 1987[1988]. wfo-f00566 Setchellanthaceae family Iltis Taxon 48(2): 260. 1999. (17 May 1999) 1999 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Iltis ICNafp Taxon 48(2): 260. 1999. (17 May 1999) wfo-f00567 Simaroubaceae family DC. Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 2: 209. 1811. (Jan 1811) 1811 Accepted wfo-o00478 family DC. ICNafp Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, publié par la Société Philomatique de Paris 2: 209. 1811. (Jan 1811) wfo-f00568 Simmondsiaceae family Tiegh. Bot. Jahresber. (Just) 25(2): 422. 1899. (Oct-Dec 1899) 1899 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Tiegh. ICNafp Botanischer Jahresbericht 25(2): 422. 1899. (Oct-Dec 1899) wfo-f00569 Siparunaceae family (A. DC.) Schodde Taxon 19: 325. 1970. (29 Jun 1970) 1970 Accepted wfo-o00285 family (A. DC.) Schodde ICNafp Taxon 19: 325. 1970. (29 Jun 1970) wfo-f00570 Sladeniaceae family Airy Shaw Kew Bull. 18: 267. 1965. (8 Dec 1965) 1965 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Airy Shaw ICNafp Kew Bulletin 18: 267. 1965. (8 Dec 1965) wfo-f00571 Smilacaceae family Vent. Tabl. Regn. Veg. 2: 146. 1799. (5 May 1799) 1799 Accepted wfo-o00298 family Vent. ICNafp Tableau du Regne Vegetal 2: 146. 1799. (5 May 1799) wfo-f00572 Solanaceae family Adans. Fam. Pl. (Adanson) 2: 215. 1763 (Jul-Aug 1763) 1763 Accepted wfo-o00496 family Adans. ICNafp wfo-f00573 Sorapillaceae family M. Fleisch. Musci Buitenzorg 3: 847. 1908. 1908 Accepted family M. Fleisch. ICNafp Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 3: 847. 1908. wfo-f00574 Sphaerocarpaceae family Heeg Verh. K.K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 41: 573. 1891. 1891 Accepted family Heeg ICNafp Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 41: 573. 1891. wfo-f00575 Sphaerosepalaceae family Tiegh. Taxon 8: 200. 1959. (24 Jul 1959) 1959 Accepted wfo-o00312 family Tiegh. ICNafp Taxon 8: 200. 1959. (24 Jul 1959) wfo-f00576 Sphagnaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 68. 1829. 1829 Accepted family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 68. 1829. wfo-f00577 Sphenocleaceae family T. Baskerv. Affin. Pl. 110. 1839. 1839 Accepted wfo-o00496 family T. Baskerv. ICNafp Affinities of Plants: With Some Progressive Development 110. 1839. wfo-f00578 Spiridentaceae family Kindb. Bot. Centralbl. 76: 85. 1898. 1898 Accepted family Kindb. ICNafp Botanisches Centralblatt 76: 85. 1898. wfo-f00579 Splachnaceae family Grev. & Arn. Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 5: 442. 1824. 1824 Accepted family Grev. & Arn. ICNafp Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society 5: 442. 1824. wfo-f00580 Splachnobryaceae family A.K. Kop. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 18: 128. 1981. 1981 Accepted family A.K. Kop. ICNafp Annales Botanici Fennici 18: 128. 1981. wfo-f00581 Stachyuraceae family J. Agardh Theoria Syst. Pl. 152. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) 1858 Accepted wfo-o00139 family J. Agardh ICNafp Theoria Systematis Plantarum 152. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) wfo-f00582 Staphyleaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 598. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00139 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 598. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00583 Stegnospermataceae family Nakai J. Jap. Bot. 18: 108. 1942. (Mar 1942) 1942 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Nakai ICNafp Journal of Japanese Botany 18: 108. 1942. (Mar 1942) wfo-f00584 Stemonaceae family Caruel Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 10: 94. 1878. (Apr 1878) 1878 Accepted wfo-o00374 family Caruel ICNafp Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano 10: 94. 1878. (Apr 1878) wfo-f00585 Stemonuraceae family Kårehed Amer. J. Bot. 88: 2267. 2001. (14 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted wfo-o00023 family Kårehed ICNafp American Journal of Botany 88: 2267. 2001. (14 Dec 2001) wfo-f00586 Stereophyllaceae family W.R. Buck & Ireland Nova Hedwigia 41: 95. 1985. 1985 Accepted family W.R. Buck & Ireland ICNafp Nova Hedwigia 41: 95. 1985. wfo-f00587 Stilbaceae family Kunth Handb. Bot. 393. 1831. (21-28 Sep 1831) 1831 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Kunth ICNafp Handb. Bot. 393. 1831. (21-28 Sep 1831) wfo-f00588 Strasburgeriaceae family Tiegh. Syst. Anat. Dicot. Erganz. 45. 1908. (9 May 1908) 1908 Accepted wfo-o00139 family Tiegh. ICNafp Syst. Anat. Dicot. Erganz. 45. 1908. (9 May 1908) wfo-f00589 Strelitziaceae family Hutch. Fam. Fl. Pl., Monocot. 2: 72. 1934. (20 Aug 1934) 1934 Accepted wfo-o00577 family Hutch. ICNafp The Families of Flowering Plants. II. Monocotyledons 2: 72. 1934. (20 Aug 1934) wfo-f00590 Stylidiaceae family R. Br. Prodr. 565. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) 1810 Accepted wfo-o00038 family R. Br. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 565. 1810. (27 Mar 1810) wfo-f00591 Styracaceae family DC. & Spreng. Elem. Philos. Pl. 140. 1821. (Jul 1821) 1821 Accepted wfo-o00193 family DC. & Spreng. ICNafp Elem. Philos. Pl. 140. 1821. (Jul 1821) wfo-f00592 Surianaceae family Arn. Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 360. 1834. (10 Oct 1834) 1834 Accepted wfo-o00207 family Arn. ICNafp Prodromus Florae Peninsulae Indiae Orientalis 360. 1834. (10 Oct 1834) wfo-f00593 Symplocaceae family Desf. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 6: 9. 1820. 1820 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Desf. ICNafp Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle 6: 9. 1820. wfo-f00594 Takakiaceae family S. Hatt. & Inoue J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 19: 137. 1958. 1958 Accepted family S. Hatt. & Inoue ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 19: 137. 1958. wfo-f00595 Talinaceae family Doweld Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. xlii. 2001. (23 Dec 2003) 2001 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium xlii. 2001. (23 Dec 2003) wfo-f00596 Tamaricaceae family Link Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 1: 291. 1821. (16 Mar-30 Jun 1821) 1821 Accepted wfo-o00088 family Link ICNafp Enumeratio Plantarum Horti Regii Berolinensis Altera 1: 291. 1821. (16 Mar-30 Jun 1821) wfo-f00597 Tapisciaceae family Takht. Sist. Magnol. 171. 1987. (24 Jun 1987) 1987 Accepted wfo-o00257 family Takht. ICNafp Sistema Magnoliofitov 171. 1987. (24 Jun 1987) wfo-f00598 Targioniaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 68. 1829. 1829 Accepted family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 68. 1829. wfo-f00599 Taxaceae family Gray Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 222, 226. 1822. (10 Jan 1822) 1822 Accepted wfo-o00404 family Gray ICNafp A Natural Arrangement of British Plants 2: 222, 226. 1822. (10 Jan 1822) wfo-f00600 Tecophilaeaceae family Leyb. Bonplandia (Hannover) 10: 370. 1862. 1862 Accepted wfo-o00036 family Leyb. ICNafp Bonplandia 10: 370. 1862. wfo-f00601 Tectariaceae family Panigrahi J. Orissa Bot. Soc. 8: 41. 1986. 1986 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Panigrahi ICNafp Journal of Orissa Botanical Society 8: 41. 1986. wfo-f00602 Tetrachondraceae family Wettst. Handb. Skand. Fl. (ed. 3) 2: 807. 1924. (Jun-Sep 1924) 1924 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Wettst. ICNafp Handbok i Skandinaviens Flora, Tredje Upplagen 2: 807. 1924. (Jun-Sep 1924) wfo-f00603 Tetramelaceae family Airy Shaw Kew Bull. 18: 267. 1965. (8 Dec 1965) 1965 Accepted wfo-o00142 family Airy Shaw ICNafp Kew Bulletin 18: 267. 1965. (8 Dec 1965) wfo-f00604 Tetrameristaceae family Hutch. Fam. Fl. Pl., Dicot. (ed. 2) 2: 277. 1959. (4 Jun 1959) 1959 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Hutch. ICNafp The Families of Flowering Plants. I. Dicotyledons, ed. 2 2: 277. 1959. (4 Jun 1959) wfo-f00605 Tetraphidaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 37. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 37. 1856. wfo-f00606 Thamnobryaceae family Margad. & During Bekn. Fl. Ned. Blad. & Leverm. 443. 1982. 1982 Accepted family Margad. & During ICNafp Beknopte Flora van Nederlandse Blad- en Levermossen 443. 1982. wfo-f00607 Theaceae family Mirb. Bot. Reg. 2: sub t. 112. 1816. (1 May 1816) 1816 Accepted wfo-o00193 family Mirb. ICNafp Botanical Register; consisting of coloured . . . 2: sub t. 112. 1816. (1 May 1816) wfo-f00608 Theliaceae family M. Fleisch. Musci Buitenzorg 4: 1485–1486. 1922[1923]. 1922[1923] Accepted family M. Fleisch. ICNafp Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 4: 1485–1486. 1922[1923]. wfo-f00609 Thelypteridaceae family Ching ex Pic. Serm. Webbia 24: 709. 1970. (28 Apr 1970) 1970 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Ching ex Pic. Serm. ICNafp Webbia 24: 709. 1970. (28 Apr 1970) wfo-f00610 Thomandersiaceae family Sreem. Phytologia 37: 413–416. 1977. (22 Oct 1977) 1977 Accepted wfo-o00283 family Sreem. ICNafp Phytologia 37: 413–416. 1977. (22 Oct 1977) wfo-f00611 Thuidiaceae family Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. 493. 1860. 1860 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum 493. 1860. wfo-f00612 Thurniaceae family Engl. Syllabus (ed. 5) 94. 1907. (20-22 Jul 1907) 1907 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Engl. ICNafp Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (ed. 5) 94. 1907. (20-22 Jul 1907) wfo-f00613 Thymelaeaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 76. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00312 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 76. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00614 Thyrsopteridaceae family C. Presl Gefässbündel Farrn 22, 38. 1847. 1847 Accepted wfo-o00147 family C. Presl ICNafp Die Gefässbündel im Stipes der Farrn 22, 38. 1847. wfo-f00615 Ticodendraceae family Gómez-Laur. & L.D. Gómez Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 78(1): 87. 1991. (26 Feb 1991) 1991 Accepted wfo-o00208 family Gómez-Laur. & L.D. Gómez ICNafp Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 78(1): 87. 1991. (26 Feb 1991) wfo-f00616 Timmiaceae family Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 87. 1856. 1856 Accepted family Schimp. ICNafp Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 87. 1856. wfo-f00617 Tofieldiaceae family Takht. Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 17(12): 65. 1995. (Jan-Jul 1995) 1995 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Takht. ICNafp Botaničeskii Žhurnal (Moscow & Leningrad) 17(12): 65. 1995. (Jan-Jul 1995) wfo-f00618 Torricelliaceae family H.H. Hu Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol., Bot. 5: 311. 1934. (20 Jul 1934) 1934 Accepted wfo-o00022 family H.H. Hu ICNafp Bulletin of the Fan Memorial Institute of Biology: Botany 5: 311. 1934. (20 Jul 1934) wfo-f00619 Tovariaceae family Pax Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(2): 207. 1891. (Mar 1891) 1891 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Pax ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3(2): 207. 1891. (Mar 1891) wfo-f00620 Trachypodaceae family M. Fleisch. Hedwigia 45: 63. 1906[1905]. 1906[1905] Accepted family M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 45: 63. 1906[1905]. wfo-f00621 Treubiaceae family Accepted family ICNafp wfo-f00622 Trichocoleaceae family Nakai Chosakuronbun Mokuroku 201. 1943. 1943 Accepted family Nakai ICNafp Chosakuronbun Mokuroku 201. 1943. wfo-f00623 Trichotemnomataceae family R.M. Schust. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 340. 1972[1973]. 1972[1973] Accepted family R.M. Schust. ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 36: 340. 1972[1973]. wfo-f00624 Trigoniaceae family A. Juss. Dict. Univ. Hist. Nat. 12: 670. 1849. (7 Jul 1849) 1849 Accepted wfo-o00311 family A. Juss. ICNafp Dictionnaire Universal d'Histoire Naturelle 12: 670. 1849. (7 Jul 1849) wfo-f00625 Trimeniaceae family Gibbs Contr. Phytogeog. Fl. Arfak Mts. 135. 1917. (Jul 1917) 1917 Unassessed wfo-o00045 family Gibbs ICNafp A Contribution to the Phytogeography and Flora of the Arfak Mountains 135. 1917. (Jul 1917) wfo-f00626 Triuridaceae family Gardner Trans. Linn. Soc. London 19: 160. 1843. (5 Aug 1843) 1843 Accepted wfo-o00374 family Gardner ICNafp Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 19: 160. 1843. (5 Aug 1843) wfo-f00627 Trochodendraceae family Eichler Flora 48: 14. 1865. (18 Jan 1865) 1865 Accepted wfo-o00555 family Eichler ICNafp Flora 48: 14. 1865. (18 Jan 1865) wfo-f00628 Tropaeolaceae family Juss. ex DC. Prodr. 1: 683. 1824. (Jan (med.) 1824) 1824 Accepted wfo-o00069 family Juss. ex DC. ICNafp Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 1: 683. 1824. (Jan (med.) 1824) wfo-f00629 Typhaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 25. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00415 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 25. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00630 Ulmaceae family Mirb. Elém. Physiol. Vég. Bot. 2: 905. 1815. (24-30 Jun 1815) 1815 Accepted wfo-o00467 family Mirb. ICNafp Elem. Physiol. Veg. Bot. 2: 905. 1815. (24-30 Jun 1815) wfo-f00631 Urticaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 400. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00467 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 400. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00632 Vahliaceae family Dandy Fam. Fl. Pl., Dicot. (ed. 2) 461. 1959. (4 Jun 1959) 1959 Accepted wfo-o00067 family Dandy ICNafp The Families of Flowering Plants. I. Dicotyledons, ed. 2 461. 1959. (4 Jun 1959) wfo-f00633 Vandiemeniaceae family Hewson J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52: 163. 1982. 1982 Accepted family Hewson ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 52: 163. 1982. wfo-f00634 Velloziaceae family J. Agardh Theoria Syst. Pl. 9. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) 1858 Accepted wfo-o00374 family J. Agardh ICNafp Theoria Systematis Plantarum 9. 1858. (Apr-Sep 1858) wfo-f00635 Verbenaceae family J. St.-Hil. Expos. Fam. Nat. 1: 245. 1805. (Feb-Apr 1805) 1805 Accepted wfo-o00283 family J. St.-Hil. ICNafp Exposition des Familles Naturelles 1: 245. 1805. (Feb-Apr 1805) wfo-f00636 Vetaformaceae family Fulford & J. Taylor Flora Accepted family Fulford & J. Taylor ICNafp Flora wfo-f00637 Violaceae family Batsch Tab. Affin. Regni Veg. 57. 1802. (2 May 1802) 1802 Accepted wfo-o00311 family Batsch ICNafp Tabula Affinitatum Regni Vegetabilis 57. 1802. (2 May 1802) wfo-f00638 Viridivelleraceae family I.G. Stone J. Bryol. 9: 21. 1976. 1976 Accepted family I.G. Stone ICNafp Journal of Bryology 9: 21. 1976. wfo-f00639 Vitaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. 267. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) 1789 Accepted wfo-o00569 family Juss. ICNafp Genera Plantarum 267. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) wfo-f00640 Vivianiaceae family Klotzsch Linnaea 10: 433. 1836. (May 1836) 1836 Accepted wfo-o00224 family Klotzsch ICNafp Linnaea 10: 433. 1836. (May 1836) wfo-f00641 Vochysiaceae family A. St.-Hil. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 6: 265. 1820. 1820 Accepted wfo-o00339 family A. St.-Hil. ICNafp Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle 6: 265. 1820. wfo-f00642 Wardiaceae family W.H. Welch Bryologist 46: 26. 1943. 1943 Accepted family W.H. Welch ICNafp The Bryologist 46: 26. 1943. wfo-f00643 Welwitschiaceae family Caruel Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 11: 17–18. 1879. (2 Jan 1879) 1879 Accepted wfo-o00571 family Caruel ICNafp Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano 11: 17–18. 1879. (2 Jan 1879) wfo-f00644 Wiesnerellaceae family Inoue Ill. Jap. Hepat. 2: 192. 1976. 1976 Accepted family Inoue ICNafp Illustrations of Japanese Hepaticae 2: 192. 1976. wfo-f00645 Winteraceae family R. Br. ex Lindl. Intr. Nat. Syst. Bot. 26. 1830. (Sep 1830) 1830 Accepted wfo-o00085 family R. Br. ex Lindl. ICNafp An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany 26. 1830. (Sep 1830) wfo-f00646 Woodsiaceae family Herter Revista Sudamer. Bot. 9: 14. 1949. (Jun 1949) 1949 Accepted wfo-o00420 family Herter ICNafp Revista Sudamericana de Botánica 9: 14. 1949. (Jun 1949) wfo-f00647 Xanthorrhoeaceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 60, 62, 103. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00036 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 60, 62, 103. 1829. wfo-f00648 Xeronemataceae family M.W. Chase, Rudall & M.F. Fay Kew Bull. 55: 869. 2000. 2000 Accepted wfo-o00036 family M.W. Chase, Rudall & M.F. Fay ICNafp Kew Bulletin 55: 869. 2000. wfo-f00649 Xyridaceae family C. Agardh Aphor. Bot. 158. 1823. (23 May 1823) 1823 Accepted wfo-o00415 family C. Agardh ICNafp Aphorismi Botanici 158. 1823. (23 May 1823) wfo-f00650 Zamiaceae family Horan. Prim. Lin. Syst. Nat. 45. 1834. (Jul-Dec 1834) 1834 Accepted wfo-o00149 family Horan. ICNafp Primae Lineae Systematis Naturae 45. 1834. (Jul-Dec 1834) wfo-f00651 Zingiberaceae family Martinov Tekhno-Bot. Slovar. 682. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) 1820 Accepted wfo-o00577 family Martinov ICNafp Tekhno-Botanicheskīĭ Slovar': na latinskom i rossīĭskom iazykakh. Sanktpeterburgie 682. 1820. (3 Aug 1820) wfo-f00652 Zosteraceae family Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 65–66. 1829. 1829 Accepted wfo-o00013 family Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 65–66. 1829. wfo-f00653 Zygophyllaceae family R. Br. Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 545. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) 1814 Accepted wfo-o00581 family R. Br. ICNafp A Voyage to Terra Australis 2: 545. 1814. (19 Jul 1814) wfo-f00654 Solanaceae family Juss. Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 124. 1789 1789 Synonym wfo-f00572 family Juss. ICNafp wfo-o00001 Abietales order Handbuch 2: 474. 1829. 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2: 474. 1829. wfo-o00002 Achnanthales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00003 Acorales order Consp. Regn. Veg. 6. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted order Mart. ICNafp Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis Secundum Characteres Morphologicas ... 6. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) wfo-o00004 Acrochaetiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00005 Acrosiphoniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00006 Acrosymphytales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00007 Actinidiales order Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00008 Actiniscales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00009 Actinostrobales order Prosyllab. Tracheophyt. xx. 2001. 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum, tentamen systematis plantarum vascularium (Tracheophyta) xx. 2001. wfo-o00010 Agaricales order Moulds Mildews Mushrooms 97. 1899. 1899 Accepted order Underw. ICNafp Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms. A guide to the Systematic Study of the Fungi and Mycetozoa and Their Literature 97. 1899. wfo-o00011 Agrostidales order Boll. Soc. Naturalisti Napoli 4: 125. 1890. 1890 Accepted order Tagliana, Giulio ICNafp Bollettino della Societa dei Naturalisti in Napoli 4: 125. 1890. wfo-o00012 Ahnfeltiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00013 Alismatales order Prir. Rostlin 271. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 271. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00014 Amborellales order 14 Symp. Biodiv. Evolutionsbiol. 122. 1999. (1 Sep 1922) 1999 Accepted order Melikyan, A.V. Bobrov & Zaytzeva ICNafp 14 Symp. Biodiv. Evolutionsbiol. 122. 1999. (1 Sep 1922) wfo-o00015 Anaulales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00016 Ancistrocladales order Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order (Planch. ex Walp.) Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00017 Andreaeales order Musci Buitenzorg 1: xxiii. 1904. 1904 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 1: xxiii. 1904. wfo-o00018 Andreaeobryales order Beih. Nova Hedwigia 90: 299. 1988. 1988 Accepted order B.M. Murray ICNafp Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 90: 299. 1988. wfo-o00019 Aneurales order Nova Hedwigia 2005. 2005 Accepted order W. Frey & M. Stech ICNafp Nova Hedwigia 2005. wfo-o00020 Anisophylleales order Novon 9(4): 550. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) 1999 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld ICNafp Novon 9(4): 550. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) wfo-o00021 Anthocerotales order Philos. Trans. Accepted order Mitt. ICNafp Philos. Trans. wfo-o00022 Apiales order Hisi-Shokubutsu 58. 1930. 1930 Accepted order Nakai ICNafp Hisi-Shokubutsu 58. 1930. wfo-o00023 Aquifoliales order Lehrb. Forstl. Bot. 2: 118. 1857[1856]. (16 Aug 1856) 1857[1856] Accepted order Senft ICNafp Lehrbuch der Forstlichen Botanik 2: 118. 1857[1856]. (16 Aug 1856) wfo-o00024 Arachnoidiscales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00025 Arales order Fl. Trop. Afr. 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Fl. Trop. Afr. 1833. wfo-o00026 Araliales order Prir. Rostlin 258. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 258. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00027 Aralidiales order Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order (Philipson & B.C. Stone) Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00028 Araucariales order Lekts. Morf. Sist. Archegon. 72. 1904. (14 Apr-13 May 1904) 1904 Accepted order Gorozh. ICNafp Lekts. Morf. Sist. Archegon. 72. 1904. (14 Apr-13 May 1904) wfo-o00029 Archidiales order Laubm. Deutschl. 1: 84. 1885. 1885 Accepted order Limpr. ICNafp Die Laubmoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz 1: 84. 1885. wfo-o00030 Arecales order Mag. Nat. Hist. 4: 333. 1840. (Jul 1840) 1840 Accepted order Bromhead ICNafp Magazine of Natural History 4: 333. 1840. (Jul 1840) wfo-o00031 Aristolochiales order Edwards's Bot. Reg. 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Edwards's Bot. Reg. 1833. wfo-o00032 Arthoniales order Syst. Ascom. 5(1): 177. 1986. 1986 Accepted order Hennsen ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. ICNafp Syst. Ascom. 5(1): 177. 1986. wfo-o00033 Arthrotaxidales order Prosyllab. Tracheophyt. xix. 2001. 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum, tentamen systematis plantarum vascularium (Tracheophyta) xix. 2001. wfo-o00034 Ascoseirales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00035 Asellariales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00036 Asparagales order Handbuch 1: 272. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 1: 272. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00037 Aspleniales order Phytologia 79(2): 72. 1995[1996]. (29 Apr 1996) 1995[1996] Accepted order Pic. Serm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 79(2): 72. 1995[1996]. (29 Apr 1996) wfo-o00038 Asterales order Handbuch 1: 731. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 1: 731. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00039 Asterolamprales order **. ** Accepted order ICNafp **. wfo-o00040 Athrotaxidales order Prosyllab. Tracheophyt. xix. 2001. 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum, tentamen systematis plantarum vascularium (Tracheophyta) xix. 2001. wfo-o00041 Athyriales order Turczaninowia 4: 55. 2001. (15 May 2001) 2001 Accepted order Shmakov ICNafp Turczaninowia 4: 55. 2001. (15 May 2001) wfo-o00042 Aulacoseirales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00043 Aurearenales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00044 Auriculariales order Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 3.1(17–24): 382. 1887[1889]. 1887[1889] Accepted order Schröt. ICNafp Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien 3.1(17–24): 382. 1887[1889]. wfo-o00045 Austrobaileyales order Novon 2: 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2: 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00046 Bacillariales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00047 Baeomycetales order Mycol. Res. 111(5): 529. 2007. 2007 Accepted order Lumbsch, Huhndorf & Lutzoni ICNafp Mycological Research 111(5): 529. 2007. wfo-o00048 Balbianiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00049 Balliales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00050 Bangiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00051 Barbeyales order Phytologia 74(3): 172. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal & Takht. ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 172. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00052 Basidiobolales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00053 Batales order Syllabus (ed. 5) 5: 111. 1907. (20-22 Jul 1907) 1907 Accepted order Engl. ICNafp Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (ed. 5) 5: 111. 1907. (20-22 Jul 1907) wfo-o00054 Batrachospermales order 1982. 1982 Accepted order Pueschel & K.M.Cole ICNafp 1982. wfo-o00055 Berberidopsidales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. 28. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium 28. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00056 Bicosoecales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00057 Biddulphiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00058 Blasiales order Bryoph. Biol. 2000. 2000 Accepted order (R.M. Schust.) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl. ICNafp Bryophyte Biology 2000. wfo-o00059 Blastodiniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00060 Blechnales order Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Pic. Serm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00061 Bodonales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00062 Boletales order Les Livres du Mycologue 3: 83. 1931. 1931 Accepted order E.-J. Gilbert ICNafp Les Livres du Mycologue 3: 83. 1931. wfo-o00063 Bolidomonodales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00064 Boliniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00065 Bonnemaisoniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00066 Bonnemisoniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00067 Boraginales order Prir. Rostlin 244. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 244. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00068 Botrydiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00069 Brassicales order Edinburgh New Philos. J. 24: 416. 1838. (Apr 1838) 1838 Accepted order Bromhead ICNafp Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 24: 416. 1838. (Apr 1838) wfo-o00070 Bromeliales order Anal. Fam. Pl. 54. 1829. 1829 Accepted order Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 54. 1829. wfo-o00071 Bruniales order Anal. Fam. Pl. 34. 1829. 1829 Accepted order Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 34. 1829. wfo-o00072 Bryales order Musci Buitenzorg 1: xxiii. 1904. 1904 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 1: xxiii. 1904. wfo-o00073 Bryopsidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00074 Bryoxiphiales order Mosses E. N. Amer. 1981. 1981 Accepted order Á. Löve & D. Löve ex H.A. Crum & L.E. Anderson ICNafp Mosses of Eastern North America 1981. wfo-o00075 Buxales order Phytologia 79(2): 72. 1995[1996]. (29 Apr 1996) 1995[1996] Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 79(2): 72. 1995[1996]. (29 Apr 1996) wfo-o00076 Buxbaumiales order Hedwigia 61: 399. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 399. 1920. wfo-o00077 Byblidales order Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Nakai ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00078 Callitrichales order Bull. Cl. Phys.-Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pe}tersbourg 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Bull. Cl. Phys.-Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pe}tersbourg 1833. wfo-o00079 Calobryales order Rec. Domin. Mus. 7:. 1972. 1972 Accepted order Campb. ex Hamlin ICNafp Records of the Dominion Museum 7:. 1972. wfo-o00080 Calomniales order Man. Bryol. 1932. 1932 Accepted order Dixon ICNafp Manual of Bryology 1932. wfo-o00081 Calycerales order Handbuch 1: 815. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 1: 815. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00082 Calyptrocoleinales order Gen. Hepat. Anthocerot. Sin. p. 75. Accepted order C. Gao, Y.H. Wu & W. Li ICNafp Genera Hepaticopsida et Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum p. 75. wfo-o00083 Campanulales order Bot. Damen 411. 1828. 1828 Accepted order Rchb. f. ICNafp Botanik fur Damen 411. 1828. wfo-o00084 Candelariales order Mycol. Res. 111(5): 530. 2007. 2007 Accepted order Miądl., Lutzoni & Lumbsch ICNafp Mycological Research 111(5): 530. 2007. wfo-o00085 Canellales order Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 27: 17. 1957. (31 Mar 1957) 1957 Accepted order Cronquist ICNafp Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'État à Bruxelles 27: 17. 1957. (31 Mar 1957) wfo-o00086 Cantharellales order Vergl. Morph. Pilze 495. 1926. 1926 Accepted order Gäum. ICNafp Vergleichende Morphologie der Pilze 495. 1926. wfo-o00087 Capparales order Prir. Rostlin 218. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 218. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00088 Caryophyllales order Prir. Rostlin 239. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 239. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00089 Casuarinales order Prir. Rostlin 261. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 261. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00090 Catoscopiales order Arctoa 2004. 2004 Accepted order Ignatov & Ignatova ICNafp Arctoa, a Journal of Bryology 2004. wfo-o00091 Celastrales order Handbuch 2: 115. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2: 115. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00092 Centrales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00093 Cephalotaxales order Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00094 Ceramiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00095 Ceratophyllales order Handbuch 2: 406. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2: 406. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00096 Cercidiphyllales order Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order H.H. Hu & Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00097 Chaetocerotales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00098 Chaetopeltidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00099 Chaetophorales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00100 Chaetosphaeridiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00101 Chamaesiphonales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00102 Charales order 1829. 1829 Accepted order Dumort. ICNafp 1829. wfo-o00103 Chattonellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00104 Chloramoebales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00105 Chloranthales order Consp. Regn. Veg. 12. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted order R. Br. ICNafp Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis Secundum Characteres Morphologicas ... 12. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) wfo-o00106 Chlorarachniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00107 Chlorellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00108 Chlorococcales order 1915. 1915 Accepted order Pascher ICNafp 1915. wfo-o00109 Chlorocystidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00110 Chlorodendrales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00111 Chlorokybales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00112 Choristocarpales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00113 Christenseniales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. vii. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium vii. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00114 Chromulinales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00115 Chroococcales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00116 Chrysamoebales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00117 Chrysanthemodiscales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00118 Chrysobalanales order Handbuch 2: 72. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2: 72. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00119 Chrysomeridales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00120 Chrysosphaerales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00121 Cladophorales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00122 Climacospheniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00123 Coccidiniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00124 Coccolithales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00125 Coccosphaerales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00126 Codiolales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00127 Colaconematales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00128 Colanemataceae order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00129 Coleochaetales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00130 Commelinales order Prir. Rostlin 267. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Mirb. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 267. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00131 Compsopogonales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00132 Connarales order Handbuch 2: 129. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2: 129. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00133 Corallinales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00134 Corethrales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00135 Cornales order Handbuch 2: 2. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2: 2. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00136 Corsiniales order Gen. Hepat. Anthocerot. Sin. p. 96. Accepted order C. Gao, Y.H. Wu & W. Li ICNafp Genera Hepaticopsida et Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum p. 96. wfo-o00137 Coscinodiscales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00138 Craspedomonadales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00139 Crossosomatales order Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00140 Cryptomonadales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00141 Cryptonemiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00142 Cucurbitales order Prir. Rostlin 236. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 236. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00143 Cunninghamiales order Prosyllab. Tracheophyt. xix. 2001. 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum, tentamen systematis plantarum vascularium (Tracheophyta) xix. 2001. wfo-o00144 Cupressales order Handbuch 2: 471. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2: 471. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00145 Cutleriales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00146 Cyanidiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00147 Cyatheales order Syn. Pflanzenk. (ed. 2) 3: 1453. 1877. 1877 Accepted order A.B. Frank ICNafp Synopsis der Pflanzenkunde (ed. 2) 3: 1453. 1877. wfo-o00148 Cyathodiales order Gen. Hepat. Anthocerot. Sin. p. 578. Accepted order C. Gao, Y.H. Wu & W. Li ICNafp Genera Hepaticopsida et Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum p. 578. wfo-o00149 Cycadales order Prir. Rostlin 262. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Pers. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 262. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00150 Cyclanthales order Consp. Regn. Veg. 6. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted order Poit. ICNafp Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis Secundum Characteres Morphologicas ... 6. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) wfo-o00151 Cyclophorales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00152 Cymatosirales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00153 Cymbellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00154 Cynidiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00155 Cyperales order Fam. Fl. Pl., Monocot. 2: xx. 1934. 1934 Accepted order Hutch. ICNafp The Families of Flowering Plants. II. Monocotyledons 2: xx. 1934. wfo-o00156 Dacrymycetales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00157 Daphniphyllales order Monogr. Phan. 1952. 1952 Accepted order Pulle ICNafp Monogr. Phan. 1952. wfo-o00158 Dasycladales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00159 Dasypogonales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. 41. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium 41. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00160 Dawsoniales order Hedwigia 61: 400. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 400. 1920. wfo-o00161 Dendrocerotales order J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64: 82. 1988. 1988 Accepted order Hässel ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 64: 82. 1988. wfo-o00162 Desmarestiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00163 Desmidiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00164 Desmomastigales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00165 Diapensiales order Fl. Ins. Austr. 1924. 1924 Accepted order Engler & Gilg ICNafp Fl. Ins. Austr. 1924. wfo-o00166 Dicksoniales order Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Pic. Serm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00167 Dicranales order Hedwigia 61: 392. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 392. 1920. wfo-o00168 Dictyochales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00169 Dictyoneidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00170 Dictyotales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00171 Didymelales order Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 1966. 1966 Accepted order Takhtajan ICNafp Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 1966. wfo-o00172 Dilleniales order Prir. Rostlin 223. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order DC. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 223. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00173 Dimargaritales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00174 Dinamoebales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00175 Dinophysiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00176 Dioncophyllales order Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00177 Dioscoreales order Consp. Regn. Veg. 9. 1835. (Sep=Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted order Mart. ICNafp Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis Secundum Characteres Morphologicas ... 9. 1835. (Sep=Oct 1835) wfo-o00178 Diphysciales order Musci Buitenzorg 3: xv. 1908. 1908 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 3: xv. 1908. wfo-o00179 Dipsacales order Anal. Fam. Pl. 255. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 255. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00180 Dipteridales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. x. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium x. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00181 Discosporangiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00182 Dryadales order Handbuch 2: 98. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2: 98. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00183 Dryopteriales order Turczaninowia 4: 66–67. 2001. (15 May 2001) 2001 Accepted order Shmakov ICNafp Turczaninowia 4: 66–67. 2001. (15 May 2001) wfo-o00184 Ebenales order Rev. Hort. 1892. 1892 Accepted order Engler ICNafp Rev. Hort. 1892. wfo-o00185 Ebriales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00186 Ectocarpales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00187 Encalyptales order Man. Bryol. 409. 1932. 1932 Accepted order Dixon ICNafp Manual of Bryology 409. 1932. wfo-o00188 Endogonales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00189 Entomophthorales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00190 Ephedrales order Anal. Fam. Pl. 11. 1829. 1829 Accepted order Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 11. 1829. wfo-o00191 Epilobiales order Tabl. Regn. Veg. 3: 307. 1799. (5 May 1799) 1799 Accepted order Vent. ICNafp Tableau du Regne Vegetal 3: 307. 1799. (5 May 1799) wfo-o00192 Equisetales order Prir. Rostlin 271. 1829. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1829 Accepted order DC. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 271. 1829. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00193 Ericales order Prir. Rostlin 251. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 251. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00194 Eriocaulales order Hisi-Shokubutsu 49. 1930. 1930 Accepted order Nakai ICNafp Hisi-Shokubutsu 49. 1930. wfo-o00195 Erythropeltidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00196 Escalloniales order Handbuch 2: 339. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2: 339. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00197 Ethmodiscales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00198 Eubryales order Hedwigia 61: 395. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 395. 1920. wfo-o00199 Eucommiales order Revis. Gen. Pl. 1956. 1956 Accepted order F. Nmejc ICNafp Revis. Gen. Pl. 1956. wfo-o00200 Euglenales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00201 Eunotiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00202 Euphorbiales order Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 1833. wfo-o00203 Eupomatales order Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00204 Eupteleales order Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order H.H. Hu ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00205 Eustigmatales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00206 Eutreptiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00207 Fabales order Edinburgh New Philos. J. 25: 126. 1838. (Jul 1838) 1838 Accepted order Bromhead ICNafp Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 25: 126. 1838. (Jul 1838) wfo-o00208 Fagales order Syllabus 94. 1892. (Apr 1892) 1892 Accepted order Engl. ICNafp Syllabus der Vorlesungen über Specielle und Medicinisch-pharceutische Botanik 94. 1892. (Apr 1892) wfo-o00209 Falcatifoliales order Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 85(7): 61. 2000. 2000 Accepted order Melikyan & A.V. Bobrov ICNafp Botaničeskii Žhurnal (Moscow & Leningrad) 85(7): 61. 2000. wfo-o00210 Filicales order Anal. Fam. Pl. 67. 1829. 1829 Accepted order Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 67. 1829. wfo-o00211 Fissidentales order Hedwigia 61: 391. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 391. 1920. wfo-o00212 Flagellariales order Novon 9(4): 550. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) 1999 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld ICNafp Novon 9(4): 550. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) wfo-o00213 Florenciellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00214 Fouquieriales order Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00215 Fragilariales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00216 Fucales order 1827. 1827 Accepted order Bory ICNafp 1827. wfo-o00217 Funariales order Hedwigia 61: 393. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 393. 1920. wfo-o00218 Garryales order Consp. Regn. Veg. 16. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted order Mart. ICNafp Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis Secundum Characteres Morphologicas ... 16. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) wfo-o00219 Geastrales order Mycologia 98(6): 957. 2006. 2006 Accepted order K. Hosaka & Castellano ICNafp Mycologia 98(6): 957. 2006. wfo-o00220 Geissolomatales order Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00221 Gelidiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00222 Gentianales order Prir. Rostlin 248. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 248. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00223 Geoglossales order Persoonia 22: 131. 2009. 2009 Accepted order Z. Wang, C.L.Schoch & Spatafora ICNafp Persoonia 22: 131. 2009. wfo-o00224 Geraniales order Prir. Rostlin 221. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 221. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00225 Gigartinales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00226 Gigaspermales order Ann. Bot. (Oxford), n.s. 99: 747–753. 2007. 2007 Accepted order Goffinet, Wickett, O. Werner, Ros, A.J. Shaw & C.J. Cox ICNafp Annals of Botany, n.s. Oxford 99: 747–753. 2007. wfo-o00227 Ginkgoales order Lekts. Morf. Sist. Archegon. 73, 93. 1904. 1904 Accepted order Gorozh. ICNafp Lekts. Morf. Sist. Archegon. 73, 93. 1904. wfo-o00228 Glaucidiales order Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 238. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00229 Glaucocystales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00230 Gleicheniales order Handbuch 1: 70. 1825. (Jun-Nov 1825) 1825 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 1: 70. 1825. (Jun-Nov 1825) wfo-o00231 Gloeotilales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00232 Glomales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00233 Gnetales order Consp. Regn. Veg. 11. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted order Blume ICNafp Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis Secundum Characteres Morphologicas ... 11. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) wfo-o00234 Goniotichales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00235 Gracilariales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00236 Grimmiales order Musci Buitenzorg 1: 370. 1904. 1904 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 1: 370. 1904. wfo-o00237 Griseliniales order Novon 9(4): 550. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) 1999 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld ICNafp Novon 9(4): 550. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) wfo-o00238 Gunnerales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00239 Gymnodiniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00240 Haloragales order Novon 1954. 1954 Accepted order Novák ICNafp Novon 1954. wfo-o00241 Halymeniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00242 Hamamelidales order Cat. Pl. Seeds (ed. 1) 1907. 1907 Accepted order Wettst. ICNafp Cat. Pl. Seeds (ed. 1) 1907. wfo-o00243 Hanguanales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order R. Dahlgren ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00244 Harpellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00245 Hedwigiales order Biodivers. Poland 3: 155. 2003. 2003 Accepted order Ochyra ICNafp Biodiversity of Poland 3: 155. 2003. wfo-o00246 Helicophyllales order Nova Hedwigia 2008. 2008 Accepted order M. Stech & W. Frey ICNafp Nova Hedwigia 2008. wfo-o00247 Helotiales order Mycotaxon 75: 501. 2000. (Korf & Lizoň, M) 2000 Accepted order Nannf. ex Korf & Lizoň ICNafp Mycotaxon 75: 501. 2000. (Korf & Lizoň, M) wfo-o00248 Hemiaulales order Accepted order Round & R.M. Crawford ICNafp wfo-o00249 Heterogloeales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00250 Heteronematales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00251 Hibberdiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00252 Hildenbrandiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00253 Hippuridales order Handbuch 1: 288. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 1: 288. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00254 Hookeriales order Hedwigia 61: 397. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 397. 1920. wfo-o00255 Horneophytales order Vyss. Rostl. Trachyoph. 1961. 1961 Accepted order Novák ICNafp Vyssí Rostliny: Tracheophyta 1961. wfo-o00256 Huales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. xxx. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium xxx. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00257 Huerteales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. xxxv. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium xxxv. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00258 Hydatellales order Novon 9(4): 551. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) 1999 Accepted order Cronquist ex Reveal & Doweld ICNafp Novon 9(4): 551. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) wfo-o00259 Hydnorales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00260 Hydrocharitales order Anal. Fam. Pl. 54. 1829. 1829 Accepted order Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 54. 1829. wfo-o00261 Hydrostachyales order Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Diels ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00262 Hydrurales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00263 Hymenochaetales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00264 Hymenophyllales order Syn. Pflanzenk. (ed. 2) 3: 1453. 1877. 1877 Accepted order A.B. Frank ICNafp Synopsis der Pflanzenkunde (ed. 2) 3: 1453. 1877. wfo-o00265 Hymenophyllopsidales order Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Pic. Serm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00266 Hymenophytales order Nova Hedwigia 2005. 2005 Accepted order (R.M. Schust.) W. Frey & M. Stech ICNafp Nova Hedwigia 2005. wfo-o00267 Hypnales order Taxon 35: 33. 1986. 1986 Accepted order (M. Fleisch.) W.R. Buck & Vitt ICNafp Taxon 35: 33. 1986. wfo-o00268 Hypnobryales order Hedwigia 61: 398. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 398. 1920. wfo-o00269 Hypoxidales order Novon 9(4): 551. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) 1999 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld ICNafp Novon 9(4): 551. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) wfo-o00270 Icacinales order Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Tiegh. ex Tiegh. ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00271 Illiciales order Integr. Syst. Class. 94. 1981. (10 Aug 1981) 1981 Accepted order H.H. Hu ex Cronquist ICNafp An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants 94. 1981. (10 Aug 1981) wfo-o00272 Ishigeales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00273 Isobryales order Hedwigia 61: 396. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 396. 1920. wfo-o00274 Isochrysidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00275 Isoetales order Lehrb. Bot. 116, 125. 1874. 1874 Accepted order Prantl ICNafp Lehrbuch der Botanik 116, 125. 1874. wfo-o00276 Juglandales order Prir. Rostlin 227. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 227. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00277 Juncales order Anal. Fam. Pl. 60. 1829. 1829 Accepted order Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 60. 1829. wfo-o00278 Jungermanniales order Accepted order Hedw. ICNafp wfo-o00279 Karatomophales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00280 Kickxellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00281 Klebsormidiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00282 Lactoridales order Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00283 Lamiales order Mag. Nat. Hist. 2: 210. 1838. (Apr 1838) 1838 Accepted order Bromhead ICNafp Magazine of Natural History 2: 210. 1838. (Apr 1838) wfo-o00284 Laminariales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00285 Laurales order Prir. Rostlin 235. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 235. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00286 Lecanorales order Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal., ser. 4, 8(2): 68. 1932. 1932 Accepted order Nannf. ICNafp Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, ser. 4, 8(2): 68. 1932. wfo-o00287 Lecideales order 1934. 1934 Accepted order Vain. ICNafp 1934. wfo-o00288 Lecythidales order Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 27: 23. Accepted order Cronquist ICNafp Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'État à Bruxelles 27: 23. wfo-o00289 Leiosporocerotales order J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64: 82. 1988. 1988 Accepted order Hässel ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 64: 82. 1988. wfo-o00290 Leitneriales order Fl. Peruv. Prodr. 1897. 1897 Accepted order Engler ICNafp Fl. Peruv. Prodr. 1897. wfo-o00291 Lepicoleales order Bryoph. Biol. 2000. 2000 Accepted order Stotler & Crand.-Stotl. ICNafp Bryophyte Biology 2000. wfo-o00292 Lepidolaenales order Pečen. Mhi Morfol., Filog, Klassifik. 1975. 1975 Accepted order (R.M. Schust.) Schljakov ICNafp Pečenočyne Mhi Morfologiia, Filogeniia, Klassifikatsiia 1975. wfo-o00293 Leptocylindrales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00294 Leucodontales order Taxon 35: 47. 1986. 1986 Accepted order (M. Fleisch.) W.R. Buck & Vitt ICNafp Taxon 35: 47. 1986. wfo-o00295 Liceales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00296 Lichinales order Syst. Ascom. 5(1): 138. 1986. 1986 Accepted order Hennsen & Büdel ICNafp Syst. Ascom. 5(1): 138. 1986. wfo-o00297 Licmophorales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00298 Liliales order Lehrb. Naturgesch. Pflanzenr. 129. 1826. (Sep-Oct 1826) 1826 Accepted order Perleb ICNafp Lehrbuch der Naturgeschicte des Pflanzenreichs 129. 1826. (Sep-Oct 1826) wfo-o00299 Linales order Affin. Pl. 107. 1839. 1839 Accepted order Baskerville ICNafp Affinities of Plants: With Some Progressive Development 107. 1839. wfo-o00300 Lindsaeales order New Syllab. Pl. Fam 353. 2006. (May 2006) 2006 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp New Syllabus Plant Families 353. 2006. (May 2006) wfo-o00301 Lithodesmidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00302 Locamiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00303 Lonchitidales order New Syllab. Pl. Fam 353. 2006. (May 2006) 2006 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp New Syllabus Plant Families 353. 2006. (May 2006) wfo-o00304 Lophodiniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00305 Lowiales order Novon 9(4): 551. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) 1999 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld ICNafp Novon 9(4): 551. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) wfo-o00306 Loxsomatales order Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Pic. Serm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00307 Lunulariales order Edinburgh J. Bot. 2006. 2006 Accepted order D.G. Long ICNafp Edinburgh Journal of Botany 2006. wfo-o00308 Lycopodiales order Prir. Rostlin 272. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order DC. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 272. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00309 Lyrellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00310 Magnoliales order Edinburgh New Philos. J. 25: 132. 1838. 1838 Accepted order Bromhead ICNafp Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 25: 132. 1838. wfo-o00311 Malpighiales order Prir. Rostlin 225. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 225. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00312 Malvales order Prir. Rostlin 221. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 221. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00313 Mamiellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00314 Marattiales order Hort. Berol. 2: 148. 1833. (Jul-Dec 1833) 1833 Accepted order Link ICNafp Hortus Regius Botanicus Berolinensis 2: 148. 1833. (Jul-Dec 1833) wfo-o00315 Marchantiales order Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 1: 239. 1876[1877]. 1876[1877] Accepted order Limpr. ICNafp Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien 1: 239. 1876[1877]. wfo-o00316 Marsileales order Consp. Regn. Veg. 4. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted order Bartl. ICNafp Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis Secundum Characteres Morphologicas ... 4. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) wfo-o00317 Mastogloiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00318 Matoniales order Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Pic. Serm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 175. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00319 Medusagynales order Novon 9(4): 551. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) 1999 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld ICNafp Novon 9(4): 551. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) wfo-o00320 Melanthiales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order R. Dahlgren ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00321 Meliales order Prir. Rostlin 219. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 219. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00322 Meloseirales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00323 Mesostigmatales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00324 Metaxyales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. xii. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium xii. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00325 Metteniusales order Divers. Classific. Fl. Pl. 352. 1997. (24 Apr 1997) 1997 Accepted order ex Takht. ICNafp Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants 352. 1997. (24 Apr 1997) wfo-o00326 Metzgeriales order Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 5, Accepted order Hampe ICNafp Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 5, wfo-o00327 Microsporales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00328 Microstrobales order Novon 11(4): 396. 2001. 2001 Accepted order Melikyan & Bobrov ex Doweld & Reveal ICNafp Novon 11(4): 396. 2001. wfo-o00329 Mischococcales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00330 Mitteniales order Syst. Bot. 10: 228. 1985. 1985 Accepted order A.J. Shaw ICNafp Systematic Botany 10: 228. 1985. wfo-o00331 Monachosorales order New Syllab. Pl. Fam 356. 2006. (May 2006) 2006 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp New Syllabus Plant Families 356. 2006. (May 2006) wfo-o00332 Monocleales order J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 26: 296. 1963. 1963 Accepted order R.M. Schust. ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 26: 296. 1963. wfo-o00333 Monocotylondoneae order Fl. Bras. Accepted order E. Morren ex Mez ICNafp Fl. Bras. wfo-o00334 Mortierellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00335 Mucorales order Syst. Mycol. 3(2): 296. 1832. 1832 Accepted order Fr. ICNafp Systema Mycologicum 3(2): 296. 1832. wfo-o00336 Musales order Phytologia 82(2): 129. 1997. (28 Nov 1997) 1997 Accepted order Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 82(2): 129. 1997. (28 Nov 1997) wfo-o00337 Myricales order Consp. Regn. Veg. 2: 16. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted order Rich. ICNafp Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis Secundum Characteres Morphologicas ... 2: 16. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) wfo-o00338 Myrothamnales order Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Nakai ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00339 Myrtales order Prir. Rostlin 233. 1820. (Jan-Apr.) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 233. 1820. (Jan-Apr.) wfo-o00340 Naiaditales order Phytotaxa 222(2): 166. 2015. 2015 Accepted order R.M. Schust. ex T. Katagiri & A. Hagborg ICNafp Phytotaxa 222(2): 166. 2015. wfo-o00341 Najadales order Anal. Fam. Pl. 59. 1829. 1829 Accepted order Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 59. 1829. wfo-o00342 Naviculales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00343 Negripteridales order Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Pic. Serm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00344 Nelumbonales order Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 1: 30. 1861. 1861 Accepted order Willk. & Lange ICNafp Prodromus Florae Hispanicae 1: 30. 1861. wfo-o00345 Nemaliales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00346 Nemastomatales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00347 Nemodermatales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00348 Neohodgsoniales order Edinburgh J. Bot. 2006. 2006 Accepted order D.G. Long ICNafp Edinburgh Journal of Botany 2006. wfo-o00349 Nepenthales order Sp. Pl. 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Sp. Pl. 1833. wfo-o00350 Nephroselmidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00351 Noctilucales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00352 Nostocales order 2002. 2002 Accepted order Caval.-Sm. ICNafp 2002. wfo-o00353 Nothofagales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. xl. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium xl. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00354 Nymphaeales order Prir. Rostlin 270. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Salisb. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 270. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00355 Ochnales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Hutch. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00356 Ochromonadales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00357 Oedipodiales order Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 2004. 2004 Accepted order (Schimp.) Goffinet & W.R. Buck ICNafp Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 2004. wfo-o00358 Oedogoniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00359 Oltmannsiellopsidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00360 Oncothecales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. 51. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium 51. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00361 Onslowiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00362 Oocystales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00363 Ophioglossales order Hort. Berol. 2: 151. 1833. (Jul-Dec 1833) 1833 Accepted order Link ICNafp Hortus Regius Botanicus Berolinensis 2: 151. 1833. (Jul-Dec 1833) wfo-o00364 Orchidales order Acta Helv. Phys.-Math. 1838. 1838 Accepted order Bromhead ICNafp Acta Helv. Phys.-Math. 1838. wfo-o00365 Orthoseirales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00366 Orthotrichales order Man. Bryol. 1932. 1932 Accepted order Dixon ICNafp Manual of Bryology 1932. wfo-o00367 Oscillatoriales order 2002. 2002 Accepted order Caval.-Sm. ICNafp 2002. wfo-o00368 Osmundales order Hort. Berol. 445. 1833. (Jul-Dec 1833) 1833 Accepted order Link ICNafp Hortus Regius Botanicus Berolinensis 445. 1833. (Jul-Dec 1833) wfo-o00369 Oxalidales order Prir. Rostlin 221. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 221. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00370 Oxyrrhinales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00371 Pallaviciniales order Gen. Hepat. Anthocerot. Sin. p. 563. Accepted order C. Gao, Y.H. Wu & W. Li ICNafp Genera Hepaticopsida et Anthocerotopsida Sinicorum p. 563. wfo-o00372 Pallaviciniales order Nova Hedwigia 2005. 2005 Accepted order (R.M. Schust.) W. Frey & M. Stech ICNafp Nova Hedwigia 2005. wfo-o00373 Palmariales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00374 Pandanales order Lehrb. Naturgesch. Pflanzenr. 262. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1829) 1820 Accepted order R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp Lehrbuch der Naturgeschicte des Pflanzenreichs 262. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1829) wfo-o00375 Papaverales order Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem Accepted order Diels ICNafp Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem wfo-o00376 Paracryphiales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00377 Paraliales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00378 Parasitaxales order Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 85(7): 61. 2000. 2000 Accepted order Melikyan & A.V. Bobrov ICNafp Botaničeskii Žhurnal (Moscow & Leningrad) 85(7): 61. 2000. wfo-o00379 Parkeriales order Syn. Pflanzenk. (ed. 2) 3: 1452, 1458. 1877. 1877 Accepted order A.B. Frank ICNafp Synopsis der Pflanzenkunde (ed. 2) 3: 1452, 1458. 1877. wfo-o00380 Parmales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00381 Passiflorales order Prir. Rostlin 237. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 237. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00382 Pavlovales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00383 Pedinellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00384 Pedinomonadales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00385 Pelagomadales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00386 Pelliales order Cladistics 2006. 2006 Accepted order (R.M. Schust. ex Schljakov) He-Nygrén, Juslen, Ahonen, Glenny & Piippo ICNafp Cladistics 2006. wfo-o00387 Peltigerales order New Phytol. 28: 9. 1929. 1929 Accepted order Walt. Watson ICNafp New Phytologist 28: 9. 1929. wfo-o00388 Pennales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00389 Peridiniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00390 Pertusariales order Syst. Ascom. 5(1): 181. 1986. 1986 Accepted order M. Choisy ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. ICNafp Syst. Ascom. 5(1): 181. 1986. wfo-o00391 Petrosaviales order Divers. Classific. Fl. Pl. 577. 1997. (24 Apr 1997) 1997 Accepted order Takht. ICNafp Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants 577. 1997. (24 Apr 1997) wfo-o00392 Pezizales order Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1: 173. 1894. 1894 Accepted order J. Schröt. ICNafp Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 1: 173. 1894. wfo-o00393 Phaeocystales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00394 Phaeophilales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00395 Phaeothamnales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00396 Phaeothamniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00397 Phallales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00398 Phymacerotales order Bryologist 2007. 2007 Accepted order R.J. Duff, J.C. Villarreal, Cargill & Renzaglia ICNafp The Bryologist 2007. wfo-o00399 Physarales order N. Amer. Slime-Moulds (ed. 2) 22. 1922. 1922 Accepted order T. Macbr. ICNafp The North American Slime-Moulds (ed. 2) 22. 1922. wfo-o00400 Phytodiniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00401 Picramniales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. 38. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium 38. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00402 Pihiellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00403 Pilulariales order Prir. Rostlin 272. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Bercht. & C. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 272. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00404 Pinales order Lekts. Morf. Sist. Archegon. 88. 1904. (14 Apr-13 May 1904) 1904 Accepted order Gorozh. ICNafp Lekts. Morf. Sist. Archegon. 88. 1904. (14 Apr-13 May 1904) wfo-o00405 Pinguiochrysidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00406 Piperales order Prir. Rostlin 261. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 261. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00407 Plagiogyriales order Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Pic. Serm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00408 Plantaginales order Nix. Pl. 20. 17 S. 17 S Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Nixus Plantarum 20. 17 S. wfo-o00409 Platyzomatales order Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Pic. Serm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00410 Pleosporales order Prodr. Cl. Loculoasc. (Amherst): 67. 1987. 1987 Accepted order Luttr. ex M.E. Barr ICNafp Prodr. Cl. Loculoasc. (Amherst): 67. 1987. wfo-o00411 Pleuocapsales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00412 Pleurastrales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00413 Plocamiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00414 Plumbaginales order Trans. Linn. Soc. London 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Trans. Linn. Soc. London 1833. wfo-o00415 Poales order Fl. S.E. U.S. 48. 1903. (22 Jul 1903) 1903 Accepted order Small ICNafp Flora of the Southeastern United States 48. 1903. (22 Jul 1903) wfo-o00416 Podocarpales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Pulle ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00417 Podostemales order Nix. Pl. 17. 1833. (17 Sep 1833) 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Nixus Plantarum 17. 1833. (17 Sep 1833) wfo-o00418 Polygalales order Me}m. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pe}tersbourg 1862. 1862 Accepted order Benth. & Hook. f. ICNafp Me}m. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pe}tersbourg 1862. wfo-o00419 Polygonales order N. Amer. Fl. 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp N. Amer. Fl. 1833. wfo-o00420 Polypodiales order Hort. Berol. 2: 5. 1833. (Jul-Dec 1833) 1833 Accepted order Link ICNafp Hortus Regius Botanicus Berolinensis 2: 5. 1833. (Jul-Dec 1833) wfo-o00421 Polyporales order Vergl. Morph. Pilze 503. 1926. 1926 Accepted order Gäum. ICNafp Vergleichende Morphologie der Pilze 503. 1926. wfo-o00422 Polytrichales order Hedwigia 61: 400. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 400. 1920. wfo-o00423 Porphyridiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00424 Pottiales order Hedwigia 61: 392. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 392. 1920. wfo-o00425 Prasinococcales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00426 Prasiolales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00427 Primulales order Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1833. wfo-o00428 Prochlorophytes order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00429 Prorocentrales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00430 Proteales order Prir. Rostlin 1820. 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 1820. wfo-o00431 Protoraphidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00432 Protosteliales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00433 Prymnesiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00434 Pseudanabaenales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00435 Pseudoditrichales order Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 181(2): 151. 2016. (12 May 2016) 2016 Accepted order Ignatov & Fedosov ICNafp Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(2): 151. 2016. (12 May 2016) wfo-o00436 Pseudoscourfieldiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00437 Psilotales order Lehrb. Bot., ed. 5 183. 1884. (5 Jan 1884) 1884 Accepted order Prantl ICNafp Lehrbuch der Botanik, ed. 5 183. 1884. (5 Jan 1884) wfo-o00438 Pteridales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. xi. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium xi. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00439 Ptychomniales order Syst. Biodivers. 2005. 2005 Accepted order W.R. Buck, C.J. Cox, A.J. Shaw & Goffinet ICNafp Systematics and Biodiversity 2005. wfo-o00440 Pyramimonadales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00441 Pyrenomonadales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00442 Pyrocystales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00443 Quintiniales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. lii. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium lii. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00444 Radulales order Bryoph. Biol. 2000. 2000 Accepted order (R.M. Schust.) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl. ICNafp Bryophyte Biology 2000. wfo-o00445 Rafflesiales order Consp. Regn. Veg. 18. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) 1835 Accepted order Mart. ICNafp Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis Secundum Characteres Morphologicas ... 18. 1835. (Sep-Oct 1835) wfo-o00446 Ralfsiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00447 Ranunculales order Prir. Rostlin 215. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 215. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00448 Refusiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00449 Restionales order Enum. 1929. 1929 Accepted order J. H. Schaffner ICNafp Enum. 1929. wfo-o00450 Rhabdomonadales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00451 Rhabdonematales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00452 Rhamnales order Gen. Hist. 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Gen. Hist. 1833. wfo-o00453 Rhaponeidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00454 Rhizocarpales order Mycologia 98(6): 1097. 2007[2006]. 2007[2006] Accepted order Miądl. & al. ICNafp Mycologia 98(6): 1097. 2007[2006]. wfo-o00455 Rhizochloridales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00456 Rhizochromulinales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00457 Rhizogoniales order Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 2004. 2004 Accepted order (M. Fleisch.) Goffinet & W.R. Buck ICNafp Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 2004. wfo-o00458 Rhizophorales order Prir. Rostlin 257. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Pers. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 257. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00459 Rhizosoleniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00460 Rhodachlyales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00461 Rhodellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00462 Rhodochaetales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00463 Rhodogorgonales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00464 Rhodymeniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00465 Rhoipteleales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Novák ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00466 Rhopalodiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00467 Rosales order Prir. Rostlin 231. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 231. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00468 Rubiales order An. Prim. Reun. Sul. Am. Bot. 1873. 1873 Accepted order Benth. & Hook. f. ICNafp An. Prim. Reun. Sul. Am. Bot. 1873. wfo-o00469 Russulales order Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi, Edn 9 (Wallingford) xi. 2001. 2001 Accepted order Kreisel ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David ICNafp Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi, Edn 9 (Wallingford) xi. 2001. wfo-o00470 Rutales order Prir. Rostlin 220. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 220. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00471 Sabiales order Divers. Classific. Fl. Pl. 304. 1997. (1 May 1997) 1997 Accepted order Takht. ICNafp Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants 304. 1997. (1 May 1997) wfo-o00472 Saccolomatales order New Syllab. Pl. Fam 354. 2006. (Mar 2006) 2006 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp New Syllabus Plant Families 354. 2006. (Mar 2006) wfo-o00473 Salicales order Revis. Gen. Pl. 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Revis. Gen. Pl. 1833. wfo-o00474 Salvadorales order Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order R. Dahlgren ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00475 Salviniales order Hort. Berol. 3: 155. 1833. (Jul-Dec 1833) 1833 Accepted order Link ICNafp Hortus Regius Botanicus Berolinensis 3: 155. 1833. (Jul-Dec 1833) wfo-o00476 Samolales order Anal. Fam. Pl. 29. 1829. 1829 Accepted order Dumort. ICNafp Analyse des Familles de Plantes 29. 1829. wfo-o00477 Santalales order Prir. Rostlin 234. 1829. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1829 Accepted order R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 234. 1829. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00478 Sapindales order Prir. Rostlin 224. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 224. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00479 Sarcinochrysidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00480 Saxegothaeales order Phytologia 84: 365. 1999. 1999 Accepted order Doweld & Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 84: 365. 1999. wfo-o00481 Saxifragales order Prir. Rostlin 259. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 259. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00482 Schistostegales order Hedwigia 61: 394. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 394. 1920. wfo-o00483 Schizaeales order Traité Paléont. Vég. 1: 674. 1869. (Mar 1869) 1869 Accepted order Schimp. ICNafp Traité de Paléontologie Végétale 1: 674. 1869. (Mar 1869) wfo-o00484 Schizocladiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00485 Sciadopityales order Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00486 Scouleriales order Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 2004. 2004 Accepted order Goffinet & W.R. Buck ICNafp Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 2004. wfo-o00487 Scourfieldiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00488 Scrophulariales order Nix. Pl. 20. 1833. (17 Sep 1833) 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Nixus Plantarum 20. 1833. (17 Sep 1833) wfo-o00489 Scytosiphonales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00490 Scytothamnales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00491 Sebeniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00492 Sedales order Bot. Damen 1854. 1854 Accepted order A.B. Rchb. ICNafp Botanik fur Damen 1854. wfo-o00493 Selaginellales order Lehrb. Bot. 116, 124. 1874. 1874 Accepted order Prantl ICNafp Lehrbuch der Botanik 116, 124. 1874. wfo-o00494 Simmondsiales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00495 Siphonocladales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00496 Solanales order Prir. Rostlin 243. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 243. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00497 Sphacelariales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00498 Sphaerocarpales order New Phytol. 9: 81. 1910. 1910 Accepted order Cavers ICNafp New Phytologist 9: 81. 1910. wfo-o00499 Sphaeropleales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00500 Sphagnales order Laubm. Deutschl. 1: 84. 1885. 1885 Accepted order Limpr. ICNafp Die Laubmoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz 1: 84. 1885. wfo-o00501 Sphenomonadales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00502 Splachnales order Biodivers. Poland 3: 156. 2003. 2003 Accepted order (M. Fleisch.) Ochyra ICNafp Biodiversity of Poland 3: 156. 2003. wfo-o00503 Sporochnales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00504 Stangeriales order Prosyllab. Tracheophyt. xv. 2001. 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum, tentamen systematis plantarum vascularium (Tracheophyta) xv. 2001. wfo-o00505 Stemonitales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00506 Stictocyclales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00507 Stictodiscales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00508 Stigonematales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00509 Striatellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00510 Stromatopteridales order Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Pic. Serm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00511 Stylidiales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00512 Stylonematales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00513 Stylonematiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00514 Styracales order Lehrb. Bot. 2(2): 655. 1839. 1839 Accepted order Bisch. ICNafp Lehrb. Bot. 2(2): 655. 1839. wfo-o00515 Suessiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00516 Surirellales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00517 Synchromales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00518 Syndiniales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00519 Synechococcales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00520 Synurales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00521 Syracosphaerales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00522 Syringodermatales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00523 Syrrhopontales order Man. Bryol. 1932. 1932 Accepted order Dixon ICNafp Manual of Bryology 1932. wfo-o00524 Tabellariales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00525 Takakiales order J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 1958. 1958 Accepted order S. Hatt. & Inoue ICNafp Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 1958. wfo-o00526 Taxales order Handbuch 2: 470. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2: 470. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) wfo-o00527 Taxodiales order Traité Paléont. Vég. 2: 309. 1870. 1870 Accepted order Schimp. ICNafp Traité de Paléontologie Végétale 2: 309. 1870. wfo-o00528 Tecophilaeales order Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Traub ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 176. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00529 Teloschistales order Syst. Ascom. 5(1): 183. 1986. 1986 Accepted order D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. ICNafp Syst. Ascom. 5(1): 183. 1986. wfo-o00530 Tetragonidiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00531 Tetraphidales order Hedwigia 61: 394. 1920. 1920 Accepted order M. Fleisch. ICNafp Hedwigia 61: 394. 1920. wfo-o00532 Tetrasporales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00533 Thalassionemales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00534 Thalassiophysales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00535 Thalassiosirales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00536 Thallochrysidales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00537 Theales order Fl. Cap. 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Fl. Cap. 1833. wfo-o00538 Thelypteridales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. xi. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium xi. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00539 Thoracosphaerales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00540 Thoreales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00541 Tilopteridale order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00542 Tilopteridales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00543 Timmiales order Biodivers. Poland 3: 102. 2003. 2003 Accepted order (M. Fleisch.) Ochyra ICNafp Biodiversity of Poland 3: 102. 2003. wfo-o00544 Toricelliales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00545 Torricelliales order Novon 9(4): 551–552. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) 1999 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld ICNafp Novon 9(4): 551–552. 1999. (30 Dec 1999) wfo-o00546 Toxariales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00547 Trebouxiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00548 Tremellales order Syst. Mycol. 1: 2. 1821. 1821 Accepted order Fr. ICNafp Systema Mycologicum 1: 2. 1821. wfo-o00549 Trentepohliales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00550 Treubiales order Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 57: 499. 1972. 1972 Accepted order Schljakov ICNafp Botaničeskii Žhurnal (Moscow & Leningrad) 57: 499. 1972. wfo-o00551 Tribonematales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00552 Triceratiales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00553 Trichosphaeriales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00554 Triuridales order Gen. Syst. Bot. 1018. 1876. 1876 Accepted order Hook. f. ICNafp Gen. Syst. Bot. 1018. 1876. wfo-o00555 Trochodendrales order Integr. Syst. Class. 157. 1981. (10 Aug 1981) 1981 Accepted order Takht. ex Cronquist ICNafp An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants 157. 1981. (10 Aug 1981) wfo-o00556 Tropaeolales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00557 Typhales order Ann. Bot. (Rome) 1833. 1833 Accepted order Lindl. ICNafp Ann. Bot. (Rome) 1833. wfo-o00558 Ulotrichales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00559 Ulvales order New Phytol. 1: 32. 1902. 1902 Accepted order F.F. Blackman & Tansley ICNafp New Phytologist 1: 32. 1902. wfo-o00560 Ulvales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00561 Umbilicariales order Mycosystema 26(1): 44. 2007. 2007 Accepted order J.C. Wei & Q.M. Zhou ICNafp Mycosystema 26(1): 44. 2007. wfo-o00562 Urticales order Prir. Rostlin 260. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 260. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00563 Vahliales order Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. 48. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) 2001 Accepted order Doweld ICNafp Tentamen Systmatis Plantarum Vascularium 48. 2001. (23 Dec 2001) wfo-o00564 Valerianales order Prir. Rostlin 256. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order DC. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 256. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00565 Vaucheriales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00566 Velloziales order Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) 1992 Accepted order R. Dahlgren ex Reveal ICNafp Novon 2(3): 239. 1992. (13 Oct 1992) wfo-o00567 Verrucariales order Syst. Ascom. 5(1): 183. 1986. 1986 Accepted order Mattick ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. ICNafp Syst. Ascom. 5(1): 183. 1986. wfo-o00568 Violales order Prir. Rostlin 220. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Vent. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 220. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00569 Vitales order Prir. Rostlin 225. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) 1820 Accepted order Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl ICNafp O Prirozenosti Rostlin 225. 1820. (Jan-Apr 1820) wfo-o00570 Volvocales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00571 Welwitschiales order Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order Skottsb. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00572 Winterales order Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) 1993 Accepted order A.C. Sm. ex Reveal ICNafp Phytologia 74(3): 174. 1993. (25 Mar 1993) wfo-o00573 Xanthorrhoeales order Novon 9(4): 552. 1999. 1999 Accepted order Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld ICNafp Novon 9(4): 552. 1999. wfo-o00574 Xylariales order Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal., ser. 4, 8(2): 66. 1932. 1932 Accepted order Nannf. ICNafp Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, ser. 4, 8(2): 66. 1932. wfo-o00575 Xyridales order Veg. Kingd. (lvii): , 185. 1846. (14-18 Mar 1846) 1846 Accepted order Lindl. ex Arn. ICNafp The Vegetable Kingdom (lvii): , 185. 1846. (14-18 Mar 1846) wfo-o00576 Zamiales order Outlines Bot. 483–484, 490. 1835. (Jun 1835) 1835 Accepted order Burnett ICNafp Outlines of Botany 483–484, 490. 1835. (Jun 1835) wfo-o00577 Zingiberales order Grundr. Syst. Bot. 167. 1854. (1-2 Jun 1854) 1854 Accepted order Griseb. ICNafp Grundriss der Systematischen Botanik 167. 1854. (1-2 Jun 1854) wfo-o00578 Zoopagales order Whole Fungus 2: 590. 1979. (Bessey ex R.K. Benj., in Kendrick, The Whole Fungus) 1979 Accepted order Bessey ex R.K. Benj. ICNafp The Whole fungus: The Sexual-Asexual Synthesis 2: 590. 1979. (Bessey ex R.K. Benj., in Kendrick, The Whole Fungus) wfo-o00579 Zygnematales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00580 Zygodiscales order Accepted order ICNafp wfo-o00581 Zygophyllales order Handbuch 2(4): 228. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829) 1829 Accepted order Link ICNafp Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 2(4): 228. 1829. (4-11 Jul 1829)